Marshall was in his and Gumball's bedroom. Marcaline and Princess Bubblegum were getting everything ready again for the new baby.
"It feels like we just did this yesterday." Marcaline said PB giggled.
"Not to interupt, but can you get this stupid THING OUT OF ME!!" Marshall half screamed. Gumball was holding Lee's hand, never wanting to leave him. Gumball winced a little. "Sorry, I thought I would be use to this with Leo. UGGGHHHH!!! But- I'm not." Gumball smiled.
"It's ok Marsh. You know I'm always here for you." Marshall's smile turned to a frown. Gumball noticed. "What's wrong?"
"It told Leo that the baby won't be on his birthday. He's going to be so upset with me." Lee started to cry a little.
"Shh. Marsh it's ok, Leo will get over it. He's going to be a big brother." Marshall Lee smiled then sighed.
"I sure hope so."
Outside Of The Bedroom
Finn was holding a unhappy Leo. Finn saw this.
"What's wrong little dude?" Leo looked up at him.
"Daddy said my brober or sister wouldn't be born on my birfday and he lied." He crossed his arms and puoted. Finn laughed.
"Daddy tried his best, but your sibling just wanted to see you on your special day." Leo looked up and smiled.
"Weally?" Finn nodded.
"AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Everyone covered their ears.
"Finn, is daddy upset with me?" Fionna came in the conversation.
"No Leo. He's..... just excited for the baby." Leo smiled.
"That's good.
"PB! Get the towel."
"Got it!"
"Ok. One. Two. Go!" Marciline quickly stiched up Marsh. PB went to clean off the baby. Gumball was calming down Lee.
"You did it sweetie." Lee was out of breath.
"Yeah.... ok...." PB came back in with the baby.
"Congratulations, you have a girl." The baby girl was pale like Marshall Lee. She had black hair and no heartbeat. She also had Gumball's eyes.
"She's beautiful." Marshall said. The others came in. Gumball took Leo from Finn and placed him beside his new sister. "Leo. You have a new baby sister. What do you want to name her?" Leo thought for a minute.
"Gabe." Everyone laughed. Gumball chimed in.
"What about Gabrielle?" Leo nodded. Lee looked at Gabrielle.
"Welcome to the family Gabrielle. You have a older brother and a cousin named Bella." She looked around at everyone and smiled. Fionna came over.
"Marsh. Can I hold her?" Marshall nodded and handed her Gabrielle. She rocked her back and forth. "I can't wait for your new cousin. I hope it's beautiful as you."