☆chapter 12☆

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2 weeks later

Slick pov

It was 5 in the morning & me and twin were standin on the stairs of the side door. We was waitin to leave for the airport but keema hadn't came back from gettin Shadia from the guest room she slept in lastnight.

Our flight didn't leave till a little after 7 so we were good if they came down now we would make it. Smoove was on his phone doin something & I was leaned over the rail.

Shadia & him still weren't back on good terms all the way. She would speak to him only when he addressed her other then that she said nothin. It's kinda weird cause everybody so use to them being on each other all the time & now their just "friends" Nothin more.

I kinda feel where both of them coming from I mean they shoulda talked about it so it was a better understanding instead of leading each other on.

It was 5:40 when they finally came marchin down the stairs. I stood up straight grabbing my bag & walkin out the door. Cornell locked up after the girls left out the house kee got in the front wit me while sha was forced to sit wit my brother in the back.

The music was on low & I pulled out our drive way goin in the direction of the airport. Couple minutes into the drive I heard Sha Suck her teeth I looked in the mirror to see her eyes cut at smoove so he had to be doin something.

"Can you please keep your hands off of me please like why you can't just leave me alone."

"Man stop playin with me I could touch you . Who told you to wear that damn bra out here like that?"

"First off no you cant. The last time I checked I could wear what I want. Now stop touching me friends don't touch each other like that."

"Yeah well friends wit our friendship do."

She didn't reply back to him instead she put her head phones in. I shook my head he need to leave that damn girl alone he made his bed now he gotta lay in it. In his mind he don't see nothin wrong wit what happen because in his words
"We're not together I can fuck who I want."I keep telling him it didn't matter she a female wit feelins no matter what she say that shit broke her heart a little bit.

Just a couple days ago he was all in his feelins walkin round mad at the world. Him the boys & I wanted to play some ball so we went to the park. On arrival Dame immediately spotted Sha talkin to some dude by the bleachers. From the looks of it she had to know dude ain't no way she just met him& smiling in his face like that.

"Yo ain't that Shadia in some nigga face." Dame asked makin everybody look that way.

"Yep that's her. Sis out here tryna spit game I see." Jah chimed in.

Before anyone noticed smoove was almost over to where her & ol boy was talkin. Her back was facing our direction so she ain't see him walkin up. When he reached her he smacked her ass causing her to turn around fast & when she seen it was him she punched him.

Before he did something dumb I made my way over there just as keema walked up. I shook my head standin back far enough to give them space but close enough to grab my brother if he decided to act stupid.

"Cornell why do you have to act so fuckin childish. " Sha said to him pulling his arm so they were away from her friend.

" I play with you? who tf is that nigga & why you in his face." He asked clenching an un clenching his jaw while staring at dude.

She just stood lookin up at with annoyed look on her face.
"OK look first off I'm single there for I do what I want & can talk to who I want. But that's just my friend not that I have to explain that to you. " she tried walkin away but he grabbed her arm bending down to get in her face.

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