"Ghoulie, Please"

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In which Party Poison is a horny bastard and will stop at nothing until Fun Ghoul lets Party fuck him.

[Author: Basically, some good old pwp. Lmao, if for some ungodly reason you hate smut or bottom!frank, this ain't for you, sweetheart :))))]

"Ghoulie, please," Party shamelessly begged, "it's been weeks." He inched closer to Ghoul so he would be pressing him against the Trans Am, which was outside the diner.

"P-Party, I know. It's just that we never have enough time alone." Ghoul sighed as he tried to reason with Poison.

"We have time now! C'mon, I need to be inside you." Party moaned as he rutted against Ghoul's thigh

"Jesus Christ, Party - do you realise we're outside, right?" Ghoul said as he felt his jeans tightening.

"Don't care, Ghoulie - fuck, I just need you right now," Party said as he treaded his fingers into Ghoul's hair and roughly tugged it, which made Fun moaned loudly. Party smirked at him.
"You're such a fucking masochist,
Ghoulie," Party growled into Fun's ear. Which Poison earned a whimper from Ghoul.

Party didn't care about being outside. He just wanted to fuck Ghoul so hard that he couldn't walk for fucking days.

Over the past three weeks (I kid you not), when things were starting to get heated between Fun and Party, they were always interrupted. Fucking rude.

There was this one time where Fun was blowing Party and motherfucking Jet Star just had to have the worst timing in the universe and walk in on them. Let's just say, they never got to hear the end of it. And with that incident, Kobra thought it would be fucking amazing to separate Fun and Party. Star's and Kid's mastermind 'plan' worked - for about an hour. They found Party and Fun making out at the back of the diner. So much for keeping them away from each other.

Party just wanted to fuck Ghoul, is that all too much to ask?

"Party - fuck," Ghoul moaned as Poison kissed down his neck, nipping at the sensitive spot under his ear.

Party smiled wolfishly and grinded his hips against Fun's which made Ghoul moaned obscenely loud.

Party was enjoying the reactions he was getting out of Fun. Its something about Ghoul when he's in bed that makes Party's heart stop beating and he might die before he cums because fuck - the way he bends - Poison has no idea how its humanly possible to bend like that, his mouth, his sinful mouth - especially when its stretched out around Party's cock, all red and shiny with spit, the way his tattoos look all shiny and slick when its covered in sweat and to Party's biased - Fun is better than any porn that ever existed.

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