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“I can totally reach the cereal box, Gerard!” Frank whines, as he and Gerard walk into their small apartment kitchen.

“Are you sure of that, shorty? Gerard teases, smiling down at his adorably short boyfriend.

“I am not short,” Frank grumbles, as they walk over to the cabinets.

“Sugar, you're five foot four, twelve year olds are taller than you,” Gerard giggles, “just let me get the cereal box, please?

“No, I'm gonna get the cereal box.”

“I like your determination, sweetheart.”

Frank rolls his eyes and turns his attention to the cabinets while Gerard sits on one of the barstools and watches Frank.

Gerard couldn't help but giggle softly and grin widely at the sight of his boyfriend, on his tiptoes and arms stretched up high - looking like an actual kid, trying to reach the cabinet handle to open the door.

“Sugar, let me get it,” Gerard says, in the mist of giggles.

“G, I'm perfectly capable of reaching this freaking handle,” Frank whines, “you're treating me like a little kid.”

Gerard giggles at his boyfriend's pout and waves him off, telling him to continue.

Gerard went into a fit of laughter when he sees Frank climb up onto the counter and plants his knees on the tiled surface.

Frank finally reaches the handle and opens the small door, grabbing his favourite cereal, Count Chocula.

“G, G, G, G!” Frank exclaims, hopping off the counter and rushing over to Gerard, “I got it!”

Gerard smiles down fondly at his love, “Well done, sweetheart.”

“I told you I could've reached it!”

“I'll remember to never doubt your abilities again,” Gerard says, chuckling softly, “now let's have breakfast, shall we?”

Frank giggles and hops over to the fridge.


[Just a cute lil short I did based off a prompt I read, hope you guys like it :))) -Emily]

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