pizzas and first times

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"Frankie?" Linda, Frank's mother, says softly as she lightly knocks on her son's bedroom door.

"Yeah, ma?" Frank murmurs sleepily, burying his face in his pillow, not really wanting to leave the comfort of his bed.

"Time to get up, sweetheart," Linda says, "your dad's coming to pick you up in about twenty minutes, or did you forget?"

That sentence alone made Frank immediately awake from his sleepy state and jolts of joy rush through him. Frank cannot believe he actually forgot that today's Saturday, which means staying at his dad's place, which means he gets to hang out with his boyfriend, Gerard!

See, Frank's mother doesn't know that Frank's gay, she told Frank she doesn't have a problem with homosexuals, she just doesn't want her son to be one, which in turn is pretty fucking hypocritical in Frank's opinion. His dad, Frank Sr., on the other hand, is fully supportive with his son's sexuality and wants nothing more than to see him happy and he's been trying his absolute best to keep Frank's mood form faltering since him and Linda divorced a couple years ago.

So when Frank, about six months ago, told his dad that he has a boyfriend and that he's too scared to bring Gerard home at his mom's house, his dad was more than happy to allow Gerard to spend the entire Saturday over at his house. But for these past few weeks, things have been getting more physical between Frank and Gerard, 'cause hormones and shit and recently Frank got the courage last week to ask his dad if Gerard could spend next Saturday night with him and his dad said yes! And he even said he'll stay at a friend's house so they could have the house for themselves! And Frank was so happy he could've cried. Well, he did and his dad teased him for being such a crybaby.

Frank hurriedly gets himself out of bed so he can shower and himself dressed and looking presentable and pack reasonable amount of clothes for the weekend before his dad arrives. And Frank does that, in record's time too, which honestly should seem quite pathetic but Frank doesn't really care.

"Frankie, your dad's here," Linda calls out.

Frank quickly picks up his knapsack and rushes downstairs, heading to the living room, saying his goodbyes to his mother, giving her a kiss and being showered with kisses (and Frank whining about how her lipstick is staining his face) before leaving his mother's house.

"Bye, ma!" Frank says for the final time as he wipes off the lipstick from his face and walks to his father's car.

Frank bites his lip a little to keep himself from smiling too much (because let's be real for a second, who wouldn't be on cloud fucking nine because of Gerard Way) as he gets into his father's car and throws his stuff in the backseat.

"Frankie," his father greets him, "how've you been?"

"Dad, you know how much I hate being called Frankie," Frank says exasperatedly, "and I'm doing pretty well."

"But its totally  fine for Gerard to call you Frankie? Hmm," Frank's dad says in a teasing manner, eyeing his son suspiciously.

"W-What," Frank giggles nervously as he feels his face heat up, "I have no idea what you're even talking about."

"Hmm, okay," his dad says teasingly, dropping the subject as he begins to drive.

Frank feels his phone buzz in his pocket, he takes it out, to see that it's a message from Gerard – can't wait to see u tonight, princess x.

Smiling to himself, he replies, can't wait to see u too, g!! x

Frank mentally slaps himself for sounding so overexcited but he can't help himself, its been over a week since they properly hung out.

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