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so uhhhh, this oneshot book is completed (it has like, 9 parts and i feel horrible abt that lmao)

but im gonna be 1000% honest here, i loved frerard and i still 100% stand by bottom!frank but i just lost interest in the ship. not writing tho. i originally stopped writing bc of personal reasons (#1 being that my brain is incapable of releasing the serotonin i deserve)
and when i started back writing, i just couldn't bring myself to write a frerard fic lmao. i moved on another ship (mcdanno from h50) and my writers block is gone and my mcdanno fics are doing so well on ao3! and that motivates me so much to want to write more omg. i've posted them on here as well bc why not lol.

but i still feel lowkey bad for not writing more frerard, i had a lot of good ideas and drafts but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

anyways, i'm in a much better place now w my writing and who knows maybe i'll probs write like 1 final frerard fic as like a farewell lmao idk

addition [6th feb]: omg i cant believe this oneshot book is still getting reads!!! i'm so grateful that y'all still enjoy my work even tho i wrote all of these fics when i was like 14 lol. i love reading all of the comments you guys leave. thanks for still supporting this book <3

addition [26th Oct. 2019]: yall!!!!! thank u soooooo much for continuing to read and support this book lol. I love ur comments and sry 4 not replying to them :/ but THANK U still. love yall.

addition [13th may 2020]: YOU GUYS!!!!! how on EARTH is this still getting reads aksskdjdjdjdkdkfjdkfkdkfkdkdkfnfnfjdkdndn and WHY arent yall cringing at these fics oh my god.
more apologies for not replying to comments but just know I read them and laugh at them!!! it warms my heart to see this get reads and comments still, even after all these years. gah, I'm just full of so much love. while I still will not write frerard however, I still write (I've actually started back after not writing since 2019 lmao) and yeah that's about it! I hope 2020 isnt treating you guys too badly, we all need some positivity right now ❤❤

addition [29th nov 2022]: very shocked this is still getting reads but im happy all the same ^_^ sorry i still suck at responding to comments T_T..... but do know! i still write (but for anime ships now LMFAO) and life has been pretty decent ig. here's a lil life update: i graduated secondary school in 2020, took like two years off, and now im in college (i'm an it major ^^), i'm still very active on mcrblr (thotfrnk) so if u can send me an ask or a dm if you'd like! i hope you all are doing well<3333

addition [5th june 2023]: oh... oh wow, i'm very shocked this is still getting reads and comments but !!!!! thank you !!!!!!! i really do appreciate it. there were many times where i just wanted to delete this but i always decided against it bc people still enjoy my work and i dont want to take that away. i still write, i use here more as an archive than anything else lol. it rly is so surreal how i wrote these works when i was a wee 14-then-15 y/o and now i'll be 22 next month and these silly little works are still being read.... to think its been 7 years.... wow. once again, thank you for reading and enjoying! im still on tumblr @/thotfrnk and twt @/gothlty | @/lovecorekags and ao3 prettyinwentz!


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