Tease and Please

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It's not like Gerard's overprotective per se, but he can't help the little unsettling feeling in his stomach when he saw Frank's outfit for today. The couple was going to the shopping mall today due to a little incident that happened a few nights ago.

Gerard may or may not (he totally did) had gotten semen all over Frank's favourite black skirt (that was the last time Frank jacks Gerard off without taking off his clothes) and obviously feeling bad about the whole situation, Gerard, being the most amazing boyfriend ever, offered to buy Frank a new skirt (along with some other things as well, if you catch Gerard's riff.)

Frank was reluctant at first, but after Gerard's continuous begging –which lead to Gerard taking drastic measures by teasing the life out of Frank and leaving little butterfly kisses all over his thighs after every 'please, Frankie.' Frank really couldn't say no, especially to Gerard, and he reluctantly gave in, but not without making one snarky comment though, "if I say yes, will you stop being a pain in the ass?"

To which Gerard would always counter back with, "but Frankie, I'm your favourite pain in the ass."


But in all honesty, Gerard thought Frank made it his personal mission to tease the ever living fuck out of him today. Frank's outfit was a bit unusual from his normal going out attire, skirts and knee highsrarely left their small flat, so why the change now?  Gerard wondered as he stared down at the outfit.

The skirt Frank expertly chose was pastel blue and short. Gerard suspected he's also hiding panties under the skirt, but Gerard doesn't dare to look, but he hopes Frank chose the black lacy one –his personal favourite. And the t-shirt was one of Gerard's black shirts that couldn't fit him anymore but was adorably oversized on Frank's small frame.

Gerard felt his jeans growing tighter just at the thought – Frank's all dolled up, mocking innocence and being a downright tease – Gerard mentally scolded himself and hoped for his semi to calm the fuck down so his bulge wouldn't be so noticeable.

Just when Gerard was about the leave their bedroom, Frank waltzed in, fresh out of the shower – with only a fucking towel on, which was wrapped dangerously low on his hips, Gerard might add and his hair messy and wet – smirking like a fucking bastard at Gerard.

"You're an asshole," Gerard scowled at his towel clad boyfriend, having a feeling of satisfaction when he sees Frank smirk turn into a pout.

"Meanie," Frank grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gerard held back the urge to laugh at how his boyfriend looked like a fucking five year old throwing a temper tantrum.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Gerard said, he raised his hands in mock defeat, "now hurry up and get dressed so we can go and buy your stuff."

"Yes siree."

And with that, Gerard did jazz hands and 'dramatically' exited theirshared bed, leaving Frank laughing and smiling fondly at his dorky boyfriend.

After like twenty fucking minutes, Frank finally emerged from the bedroom (god alone knows what took him so fucking long) and down into the living room, clearing his throat to get his boyfriend's attention.

Gerard teared his gaze from the tv and looked at his small boyfriend. Frank smirked at Gerard's shocked expression, it was something about women's clothing that gave Frank so much more confidence than when he wears men's clothings and Frank absolutely loves that. He twirled himself around, giving Gerard an eyeful of what he was wearing on.

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