Sorry, Sir

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After five years of being a Headmaster, Gerard had developed a strict policy when it came to staff members, don't fucking date them.

(It was no secret to the school that Gerard was an openly gay man, Gerard, himself, thought that it's actually quite helpful to closeted students who're insecure about their sexuality.)

But about a year ago, a short, dorky, glasses wearing nerd of an English teacher, made Gerard question his entire policy.

Gerard never really understood what was so fucking special about Mr. Iero that he became borderline infatuated with the young teacher. Maybe it was his overenthusiastic personality (which Gerard found fucking adorable) or maybe it was the fact that he was so fucking cute.

"You're a heart attack in black hair dye," Gerard thought to himself when he saw Mr. Iero for the first time.

Gerard always tried to push away and ignore his pesky feelings for Mr. Iero, but one day Gerard lost all the self-control he possessed and blurted out his feelings to Mr. Iero. Gerard was expecting the teacher to mad at him, but Gerard didn't expect Mr. Iero to utter the words, "I like you, too. For a while, actually."

Gerard was absolutely dumbfounded by the young teacher's confession and Mr. Iero thought that it was a fucking horrible (and unprofessional) idea to say that and began repeatedly apologising to the Headmaster. To which Gerard shut him up with a kiss.

For about six months, they had this thing going on between them. Gerard, in all honesty, thought Frank would've been a bit freaked out by the Headmaster's 'odd' sexual desires (he wasn't someone who usually goes for vanilla) but Frank was more than excited to delve into the more kinkier side of Gerard.

Neither Gerard nor Frank ever classified this thing as a relationship. It was only few weeks back, when Frank told Gerard he wanted something more. More than just sexual favours and promises of next time. And Gerard was more than happy to comply with Frank's needs. Gerard was actually glad Frank brought up that conversation, because Gerard was afraid that Frank wasn't ready for something as long term as a relationship. Frank would never admit it but he always got butterflies anytime Gerard would call him his boyfriend.

Their relationship wasn't just innocent kisses and cuddles and Frank didn't mind at all. Gerard was really fucking amazed at how fucking submissive Frank was, how easy it was for him to adjust to certain scenes and not get to weirded out by some of Gerard's unusual requests.

And when Frank calls him 'sir' - oh god - it never fails to make Gerard weak to his knees.

Their relationship couldn't get any better, both men were immensely happy with one another, until today - Gerard's dominant side got and bit jealous and let's just say that Gerard being pissed off would be an understatement. He couldn't believe his Frankie, let someone flirt with him. It was no secret that a good seventy-five percent of the underage teenage girls' population (and some boys as well) swooned over Mr. Iero. Gerard felt sorry for those girls because his Frankie was so gay, he couldn't even walk straight.

But no, it was different this time - it wasn't some horny sixteen year old, it was another teacher, Mr. Wentz, who dared to flirt with the Headmaster's love. And what pissed Gerard off even more, was the fact that Frank let Mr. Wentz flirt with him (or so Gerard thought). With Frank's shy-ish personality (when it comes to other people praising him) and the fact that he blushes anytime someone compliments him, Mr. Wentz thought he was going somewhere. Gerard was ready to grab Frank right then and there in the middle oft he staff room and teach him a lesson but something his Frankie said made him decide against it.

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