A Spit-Slicked Adventure

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(Smut, smut and oh so lovely smut.)

 If there's anything Frank loves, it's giving Gerard some good head. Frank literally lives for cock sucking, if he's being quite honest.

And it's not like Gerard is complaining or anything,he absolutely loves it when Frank gives him head. To Gerard's bias, Frank is a literal professional when it comes to cock sucking.

But all to Gerard's dismay, thinking about Frank's oh so sinful mouth was a fucking bad idea, especially when My Chem was in the middle of a show. And to make matters somehow even worse for Gerard, he makes the mistake and looks over at Frank–and fuck, what a pretty sight that was.

Frank was on his knees, with his jaw slack and mouth hanging open, his lips are wet and shiny as he plays (or fucking rides, Gerard doesn't fucking know) his guitar.

Gerard feels himself getting hard just at the sight of Frank, wanting to do nothing more than to drag the short guitarist into a dressing room and put his obscene mouth to good use.

Gerard carries on with the concert, trying his best to ignore the unforgiving throbbing in his jeans.


After the concert, Gerard grabs Frank by his arm and gives him the look, and vaguely points towards a storage closet or something.

Mikey and Ray knows it's better not to ask any questions about what goes on between them – mainly because they heard enough to have an idea of some sort.

Frank allows Gerard manhandle and drag him over to the secluded area.

Gerard quickly opens the door and pulls Frank in, he shuts the door and pushes Frank up against the door. He grabs Frank by his waist, his fingernails digging into the soft flesh.

"Fucker, wha-" Gerard cuts Frank off with a rough kiss, which Frank melts into, turning into putty in Gerard arms. One of Gerard's hands snaked down Frank's waist and grabbed his ass. Frank let out a surprised squeak and bit Gerard's lip.

"Ow! What the fuck, Frank?" Gerard exclaims, pulling away from Frank.

Frank giggles and sticks his tongue out, "It's only fair, G."

Gerard scowled and Frank let out another childish giggle.

"How 'bout you let me make it up to you?" Frank asks, looking up at Gerard with wide, innocent doe eyes, despite the multiple sinful acts(which would have made fucking Lucifer blush) they had committed mere minutes ago.

"And how are you planning on doing so?" Gerard says, with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Can I blow you, please?"

Gerard squeezed Frank's ass once more and nods his head frantically, he steps away from Frank a little bit, and with that, Frank immediately drops to his knees. He's already working on taking off Gerard's belt,not caring if the belt buckle pinches his skin due to the rapid pace he was working at.

After Frank got Gerard's belt off, he unbuttons his jeans and pulls the fly down and of fucking course, Gerard has no boxers on.

Frank scoffs and looks up at Gerard, "Really?"

"Come on Frankie, my lack of boxers should be helpful to you," Gerard says, an impatient tone edging his voice.

Frank rolls his eyes and pulls down Gerard's jeans until his mid-thigh.

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