Ch.4 A shocker!

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ch. 4- a shocker!

Suitcase’s POV

I feel different,no,I feel pain. It really hurts,I can’t take it anymore.

“Tubey! Please stop! It hurts!” I shouted at her. She looked back at me,with a creepy smile. I’m now scared,I think she has gone insane.

“Oh,Suitcase I thought you said you would do it for me!” Tubey said.  Then she started to mimick me “Oh,Tubey! I’ll do anything for you! Then she laugh in my face. I felt tears coming down my face,I can feel my hands burn as I try to touch a wire that is on me.

“Ow!” I shouted.

“Oh,You can’t touch those,it will burn your hand right off!” Tubey said to me. I tried again to pull off one of the wires,but I can’t. Start to scream as the pain hurts.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! It hurts! Please stop it!” I screamed. Then I hear the two others in the flying thingie,get up and start to get out of the flying thingie. Then Tubey laughing like she was mad.

“Test Tube! What are you doing to Suitcase!” asked the Knife like object.

“Oh,nothing Knife,Suitcase wanted me to do this. Right?” Tubey says to me.

I shake my head no.

“Let her go!” shouted the Microphone like object. Tubey pulled out two big needle out of her pockets.

“Then,bring it on! I like to rip you apart into pieces too!” Tubey said while she was giggling. She gave then that insane smile she gave me earlier. Then they fight,Knifey brings a punch to Tubey face,but he misses.

“Okay! My turn Knife!” Tubey says then stabs Knifey with one of her needles.

“Knife!” Mic screams. But that didn’t stop him,he made his way to the computer.

“What the!” Tubey said with shock.

“I have been in prison more than I should have,now it’s time to break out of this nightmare!” said Knifey. He pushes a button,but nothing stops the computer. I feel something in the wires,then I get shocked.


“Well,that was a shocking surprise!” Tubey said with a insane laugh.

Knifey,presses other buttons,but all they do is hurt me. The next I see is red liquid on my hands. Is that,blood? It’s coming down from my legs too,I start to reach down there to see there is a opening there. I feel dizzy,everything around me is going around and around. Then Knifey press one more button which shuts down the computer.

“There it’s down.” said Knifey. He looks at me,and see me bleeding. Then I see Tubey shaking her head,then looking at me. She drops to her knees and her head is in her hands.

“I’m sorry,I’m sorry! Suitcase,I’m sorry!” She said while crying. “I’m don’t know what just came over me! I’m a-a monster.”

I patted her on the back.

“It’s okay,Tubey.” I say to her. She looks back up at me.

“It is?” she asks,then she sees me bleeding. “No,it’s not,your bleeding.”

“Well,the sun is coming up,we better clean up Suitcase,then start flying again.” said Mic.

Tubey stands up,then looks at Mic.

“Yeah,let’s do that. I don’t need sleep anyways.” Tubey said. Then she walks to the flying thingie. I can’t tell,if she is insane or just plain stupid. But she is still my friend.

Normal POV

The Shadow is waiting for Yin-Yang to wake up.

“Ugh! What is taking so long? They should be under my control now!” the Shadow said. I heard something,I turned around to see if Yin-Yang was awake. Nope,they weren’t. I see what is going on though my TV system. I see,four faces. I know all of them,it’s Suitcase,but I thought they found her dead. Test Tube,who was in a insane asylum,that’s not true. One lie after another,wow these objects these days. Microphone,now who couldn’t catch that little troublemaker. And,Knife?! I-I thought he was in jail,I guess he broke out. I wonder,if the police know if he broke out. I turn my microphones to heard what they are talking about.

“So,you’re saying that this guy just took Yin-Yang and drove off?” asked Knife.

They are talking about me.

“Yeah,but I don’t know where he took Yin-Yang or where they are.” said Microphone.

“Well,Test Tube didn’t tell us,why she is here.” said Knife

“True,we should go ask her,” replied Microphone. They get up and go ask that insane scientist

I turn back to Yin-Yang,they are awake now. I just make a evil smile at them.

“So,Yin,Yang,feel better?” I asked them

“Yes,we do master.”

end of chapter 4

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