Ch.11-I will have my revenge....(End of story one)

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Chapter 11-I will have my revenge.....(End of story 1) 

Suitcase’s POV

I run,faster,faster. My feet aren’t running as fast as I want them to run. I hear footsteps,Trophy woke up and is chasing me. Then I remember that I can summon a dragon.

‘Come on Suitcase! You can do this!’

Then out of nowhere this giant dragon appears,it’s mostly black and white. I hope on it and fly away,I look back to see Trophy. He has a mad look on his face. 

“Go,Yin-Yang’s Magical dragon go!” I said to it.

“I have a name and it’s Carl.” said the dragon.

“You can talk?!” I said. 



“Where do you want me to take you?”

“To uhhh home?”

“As you wish,master.”

The Dragon named Carl,started to move as fast as the speed of light. I fell unconscious because of this. When I woke up,which was at least five minutes later.

“We’re here!” Said Carl the dragon. He landed and I jumped off of him. He stayed there and watched me watch away. 

“The jailhouse?” I say to myself.

Normal POV

Knife was whistling a jail tune while looking up at the ceiling. Microphone laided in her bed,wondering what happened to her.

“Ugh,this is so stupid. Why did I turn into this troublemaker.” she asked herself. Then a cops opens the cage.

“You two say your last good byes.” He said.

“Why?” asked Knife.

“You two are going to be executed.” said the cop.

“Executed?!” Microphone and Knife shouted.

“Yes.” said the cop.

“For what?!” shouted Microphone.

“For Knife,killing,stealing,breaking the law,and kicking me in the face.” said the cop. “And for Microphone,stealing,spray painting the walls,drunk driving,and also kicking me in the face.”

“That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard of getting executed.” said Knife.

“Well,you two are joining the insane one and the other one.” said the cop. He yanked Microphone by her arm along with Knife. They entered the execute room,there was the whole town watching them.

“So it’s the end for all of us.” said Test Tube.

“Yeah.” said Yin.

“Well,at least we can die together.” said Yang. Knife had tears coming down his face.

“But what about Suitcase?” asked Knife. They all sighed.

“She will be in the hands of evil care.” said Microphone.

“Yeah,If I had one choice to live again is to make everything right.” said Knife.

“Same here.” said Microphone.

“I don’t know what will happen to us,if we die.” said Yin

“Yeah,the hands of the world will be in Trophy’s control.” said Yang.

“That’s true too.” said Test Tube.

We sit down in chairs,all those people’s eyes staring at them. Knife starts crying along with Microphone.

“To live again.....doesn’t seem bad.” said Knife. The shockers were put off their heads.

“Ready to die?” said the cop. No answer.

‘I just wish,to see everyone I met in my life again.’ thought Knife.

“Wait!” a girl cried. Knife looked up to see Suitcase on the dragon.

“Carl!” Shouted Yin and Yang. Suitcase jumped off the dragon.

“Knife didn’t kill me! He didn’t hurt me!” Suitcase shouted. She ran towards the cop. The cop looked down at the girl. “He saved my life.”

Everyone didn’t believe Suitcase. Then Trophy comes down to the ground us,he was using dark magic.

“You will pay Suitcase!” Trophy screamed at her. He threw a powerball at her. She jumped out of the way. People started to run everywhere. Suitcase used the power of the dragon gem to unlock the chairs that her friend were sitting in. They stand up and get in fighting mode.

“Oh so you think that you can defeat me!” Trophy said to them.“Well,I’m not here to fight,I’m here to warn you.”

“About what?” said Test Tube.

“About your doom.” Trophy replied back. Trophy started to laugh. Knife ran to him and kicked him. Trophy fell to his knees.

“Idiot. Your such a idiot,Trophy!” Knife screamed at him. Cops gather around and picked up Trophy. Before the cops took Trophy away Suitcase ran up to him. And kissed him the cheek then slapped him.

“That’s what you get!” Suitcase shouted at him nodded then walked away. Everyone was proud of her.

“So,you folks.” one of the cops started to say. Everyone looked at him. “Are free to go.” 

Everyone started to cheer and then Yin-Yang flew away back to China to take home Carl. While Test tube was being treated to be back to normal. Microphone and Knife started to hang out a little more. And Suitcase is trying to recover her memory.


A girl with Black hair looked at her crystal ball.

“Dammit,Shadow,or should I say Trophy.” she started to say. She petted a guy with white hair. “ Tisk,Tisk. I guess it’s time for plan b.”

Her eyes flashed on a guy with grey-silverish hair. He looked normal,nothing wrong with him.

“You wouldn’t get away with this!” He yelled at her. Her eyes turned red.

“Oh really,Nickel. I will just to tell you.” she say to Nickel. “Now you will end up like,Baseball when he tried to stop me.”

She standed up and walked towards Nickel. He have a scared look on his face.

“Your soul will be mine.” she said. She sung a song in japanese,Nickel’s eyes started to turn a purple color. He couldn’t control his body anymore,his soul was gone. Nickel fell asleep.

“Now, will be destroyed!” she shouted at her crystal ball. Then she laughing,a evil laugh.

‘Trophy will be back....but I have entered the game now....’

-End of Story 1.....

Returning Shadows coming soon...-

(Notes-Okay,I have ch.1 done of the Returning Shadows. Which will be on my Wattpad tonight. 

I'll also take questions about this story because I'll be writing a Author notes page with questions and answers,so ask below! Thanks!)

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