Ch.6 The insane story?

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Ch.6- The insane story?

Shadow’s POV

Driving,ain’t easy you know. I’m glad,I finally have the dragon keeper under my control. Yin-Yang’s first creation,is finally mine! I’m just one step closer to having it’s true power,and one step closer to world power. Yin-yang is just sitting in the cage,waiting for me to give them a order. I try to focus on the road ahead,we have a long drive until we get to China which is ten hours away!

Microphone’s POV

I can’t believe Yin-Yang trusted Test Tube to tell his most precious secret,instead of telling me! I’m his partner!  I pace back and forth,waiting until we land for a quick break.I look at Knife,he was asleep. I roll my eyes,why do I even care about him. He left me,for being a bad boy! Ugh! I hate him now,I still have a feeling that I still care about him. I don’t care about him anymore,because he nothing but a heart stealer! He deserves the name the criminal!I look at Test tube,how can she stay wide awake? Is this what brought to insanity? Never sleeping. No,that doesn’t fit it,she must never sleep because her insanity keeps her up. She tries to keep her sanity in tact, but how? I sit next to her,she looks at me.

“Okay,Microphone,what’s going on?” Test tube asks me.

“Oh,nothing. I just wanted to talk to you.” I replied back. She looked at me with a ‘are you sure?’ face.

“Well,what do you want to talk about?” she asked me.

“Well,I know you might not want to talk about it,but how did you go insane?” I asked Test Tube. I know that I will probably die now. But,I didn’t,Test Tube sighed.

“Are you sure,that you want to know?” she asked me. I nodded yes. “Well,Microphone,it started three years ago. Nine weeks after Inanimate Insanity ended. I went to work on something that will stop all insanity and fear,forever. I failed,I dropped it,the toxic gas went through my lab. I tried not to breathe it in,but I couldn’t hold my breath for that long. So,after the gas cleared up,I saw myself thinking of killing someone. I couldn’t believe myself like that.” She looked at me. “Microphone,am I,insane?” I shake my head no. “I want the truth!” I saw her crying. “And I want it now!”

“To,tell you really Test Tube. I don’t know if you’re insane or not.” I told her. She wiped her tears away.

“Well,Microphone. Go get some sleep we only have five hours until we land in China.” she said to me. I walked over to Knife and Suitcase and fell asleep.

end of chapter 6

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