Ch.9-The one I loved

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(Note- Listen to When she loved me while reading this. It will be much sadder,trust me.)

Ch.9- The one who I loved.

Suitcase’s POV

Everything feels dark,like I’m alone. I can never see the light again,and really know how I lost my memory. Or as they all say I did. I sometimes feel that I should be dead,not to make anything good happen in my life. As I try to make my way through the mist in my brain,I see something. I was light,was it the way out of this black hole? Or Is it my way to wake up. I start to walk towards the light,then I wake up. I was tied in ropes,I really don’t seem to mind. This is how Test Tube make me sit when I had a sugar rush. Then I see this Trophy guy come out,with the dragon gem in his hands.

Trophy’s POV

I see Suitcase awake,she sees me. And starts to look at me with a confused and calm look on her face. I start to walk out,I start to feel tears coming down my face.

“Uh,Mr.Trophy? What’s wrong?” she asked me. I looked at her straight in the eyes,then looked back down at the floor.

“Why do you want to know.” I asked her. She had a little smile on her face.

“Well,I want to make you feel better!” she said happily. More tears start to run down my face,I couldn’t stop it. Suitcase reminded me of her.

“You could help if you just shut up.” I said.

“But I re-”

“Just shut the heck up!”

I took out a picture of me and her,my girlfriend. Suitcase looked over my shoudler,and looked at the picture.

“Who is she?” Suitcase asked me. I turned to look at her. 

“She was my girlfriend.” I replied back.

“What happened to her?” 

My heart just stopped,I looked back at me. I turned to her,and started to tell her.


“Trophy-chan? I wanted to ask you something.” she asked me.

“What is it?” I asked her.

“Do you love me?” 

“Of course! I love you with all my heart.” 

I hugged her,and we held hands while we start to walk back to the car. I looked right into her eyes,and pulled her in. Then I kissed her.


Trophy: Two years passed, we were planning to have a family but something bad happened.

Suitcase: What happened.


‘One night,someone came in.’

“Trophy! Help!” she screamed.

“Soap-chan!” I screamed. A gunshot went off,she fell on the floor. I ran to her.

“Trophy-chan,I love you.” Soap said. I hugged her close,then she died. I started to cry.

“Soap,I should have died,not you.”

-End of flashback-

“There,that’s why I’m like this.” Trophy said. “I thought if I had the dragon’s gem,I could bring her back.”

“Oh,you really don’t want to hurt anyone?”

“No,I wanted to kill who killed her.”

I cutted the ropes that was Suitcase was wrapped around with. I pull her close to me.

‘You know what,you could be my queen.....’

End of chapter 9

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