ch.5 The Dragon Keep.

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Ch.5-The Dragon Keep

Knife’s POV

Me,and Microphone walk towards Test Tube,she was wrapping Suitcase’s scars up.

“Hey,Test Tube,me and Microphone we were wondering why we are here.” I said. She looks back up at us.

“Well,we need you two to help us with something.” Test tube says to us. We look at her. “Microphone,you might have known that Yin-Yang went missing last night.”

“How? Did you?” Mic muttered.

“I was riding around town,I was going to warn him,but it was too late.” said Test Tube. Microphone had a confused look on her face. “I know this because,Yin-Yang is the dragon gem keeper.”

We looked at Test Tube like ‘Have you gone insane again?’

“Whoa,Dragon Gem? Isn’t that in like fairytales?” I ask.

“Well,no,it’s real.” Test Tube replies back.

“And how would you know this?” asked Microphone.

“Because Yin-Yang told me while we were still in Inanimate Insanity.” she replied back.

“Why,did he only tell you! I’m his partner!” Microphone snapped back at Test tube.

“Because,he trusted me. Not anyone else.” Test Tube said. “Anyways whoever gets the Dragon gem is the mostful object,this can cause our world to be destroyed if in the wrong hands.”

“So,let’s go get it,so save it!” I say.

“You can’t just go get it! You have to earn it,jailbird!” Test tube snapped right back at me. “Whoever goes in never comes out,they have to have the Dragon keeper with them to make it out,alive.”

“Oh,well,I didn’t know.” I said. Suitcase hops in the chat with us.

“Oh,Tubey! Tell us a story about the dragon keep!” Suitcase demands. Test Tube sighs,then pulls a bucket from off the side.

“Okay,here is a story about the dragon keep.” Test tube starts. “Long before any other object was created,there was one object and that was Yin and Yang. They,created the dragon gem to keep the world in one piece.”

Suitcase starts to cuddle with me,this make me kinda uneasy,and it looked cute at the same time.

“But,when they created other objects,they knew that every object would like that power. So they kept it away in the mountain of dragons,birthplace of the dragon gem. They made sure to keep it safe always,and forever.” Test Tube ended. Suitcase started to slowly clap. I can tell that she is tired,and is about to fall asleep.

“Well,my students,that’s class for today.” Test Tube said while starting up the helicopter. I turn back to Suitcase and I see that she is sleeping while sucking her thumb. That’s just plain cute.

end of chapter 5

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