Ch.8 The End?

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Ch.8 The End?

Normal POV


Trophy looks at all of them,then tries to put the hood back his head.

“No! No! I’m the shadow!” Trophy tried to say,but couldn’t. Knife put out his hand to Trophy.

“Trophy,get up.” Knife said. Trophy pounded,he didn’t want to get up. “Trophy,now!” Trophy looked up at them,then back at his self. This eyes start to water,and he grabs Knife’s hand. He stands up,and looks at all of our heroes.

“I’m an outcast too. Aren’t I?” Trophy asks all of them. They all nod no. Then,Knife pats Trophy on the back.

“Hey,Trophy. Maybe we could become friends.” Knife says. Trophy nodded yes,then looked at the staff and start to walk towards it. He thought,’I must give up one thing.Friends,or power.’ He touched the staff,everyone was watching him. He puts the gem on the staff,thinking. ‘I’m sorry,Knife. But my heart is fully dark now.’ He puts the gem the gem on the staff

“No! Trophy! What are you doing?” Knife screamed.

“What I came here to do! My heart to dark and twisted now!” Trophy explained.

“But we can change that!” Microphone said.

“There is nothing to be changed,everything I have is gone.” Trophy said,while a tear is running down his face. He uses the power to grab Suitcase and teleport her with him somewhere.

“Suitcase!” Test Tube screamed. Microphone started to walk towards Yin-Yang. Then Microphone pulled,the helmet that is controlling Yin-Yang off of Yin-Yang’s head. Their eyes changed back to normal.

“Huh?” Yin-Yang said while shaking their head. “What happened?” Yin looks up to see Microphone. He smiles,then Microphone hugs him.

“I’m glad your back.” Mic said while hugging Yin-Yang tighter.

“Thank you,Microphone.” said Yin-Yang. He looks over to see that the Dragon gem is gone along with the staff. “The shadow took it,didn’t he?” Knife nodded,while Yin sighed.

“Well,I guess the Shadow was too powerful and smart.” Yang said.

“You mean Trophy?” said Test Tube.

“You mean the Shadow was Trophy!” Yin said. Microphone nodded yes. 

“We should head home,then we will look for Suitcase.” Knife said. Then they all walked out of the cave then in the helicopter.

Trophy’s POV

I’m riding the dragon to my lair,with Suitcase sitting beside me,knocked out. I just saw a smile a few seconds ago,now it’s gone. I wondering if her mind is foggy or even pitch black. I start to see Mic,Knife,Test Tube,and Yin-Yang leave the cave. My mind has a evil idea,to get them out of my hands. I reach for the phone,but I know it isn’t the right thing to do. But I grab it anyways a dial my home town’s police.

“Hello,Police. I see a criminal on the loose,with the troublemaker gang and a insane freak.” I start to say. Then they ask “Okay,are they out of town?”

“Yeah they are,but they will be back in ten hours from now. They are in China.”

“Okay,we will look for them when they land,thank you.”

I hang up,and we land at my lair. Then I start to walk towards the door to my lair carrying Suitcase,when I turn to look at the sunset. It reminded me of her,the way she used to laugh at my jokes. Tears start to run down my face,I turn around and walk into my lair.

‘I should have saved you....’

end of chapter 8

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