The Jailbird and The TroubleMaker

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Knife’s POV

It started three weeks ago,it feels like I’ve been here for a lifetime.Well,Suitcase won the million. (No,shocker there.) Lightbulb,Paintbrush live together. Marshmellow and Apple,are room mates in the same house,Fan,oh that crazy stalker,runs a personal object show blog. And I,well,I’m in jail. Now,this was a big shocker,well I worked in a gang that was runned by Brass knuckle. I started out as a guy that steals from the local bank,to this murdering sweet little objects guy. The reason how I got in jail was plain and simple. My gang order me to kill...Suitcase. I couldn’t force myself to do it. Brass knuckle said if I didn’t do it,my head was coming off. I met Suitcase in the woods one day,and started to stab her,not just once but five times. I felt one of her tears on my shoulder. I held her close to me,not to let go. Then I told her,something I wouldn’t never forget.

“Suitcase,oh my dear friend,if you live. Kill me.” I said right in her ear. Then I lay her on a Tree,oak to be correct,and walk away. When,I get back to my gang,they tell me to go kill a certain someone. Microphone. Tears were running down my face,I told them “Okay! I’ll do it!”

I didn’t I ran to the jailhouse on the far side of town. I told them,I murder Suitcase. This is why I’m here,I guess I deserve this. But I can’t handle being here anymore,so I’m breaking out tonight.

Microphone’s POV

I’m painting a wall that is apart of the pet store. Me,and Yin-Yang are doing it. We laugh,as it is a joy to us,we never get caught. That is we are called the never caught gang,yeah I know such a lame name. But it’s true,we start walking to a bar across from the pet store,when it happened. I hear a car,we ignored it but as soon as it stopped,someone from inside grabbed Yin-Yang, and started to drive away. I chase after it,screaming at it,but it wasn’t stopping.

“Stop! Stop! give me back my partner!” I screamed at the van. Then has I turned around I saw the red and blue flashing lights. I knew it was time to leave,I started to run, then I hear “Stop! There! You’re under arrest!”

I didn’t stop,not even to turn around,I just hoped that Yin-Yang was doing better than I was.

Knife’s POV

I turned the window,it was dark,not even the moon was out. “Stupid.” I call myself. Then I see someone from the cell across mine. He was staring at me,with a creepy stare. After at least ten minutes of him staring at him,I finally talked to him.

“You,why are you staring at me?” I ask the complete stranger. He threw out a rope,and said a few words. “Go,now,leave this place.”

I nodded and started to cut the bars from this window with a saw he hid under his bed each night. As soon as the bar were broke he jumped out and started to run,toward the jail wall. He was glad he had the rope with him. He threw it at,the bar wire at the top of the wall,then started to climb up it. As soon as he was at the top of the wall he jumped down,landed on the ground and started to run,into a forest. He slowed down,because there was no one catching him. As soon as he thought he was clear,a rope trap caught his leg and brought him in the air.

Yin-Yang’s POV

We woke up,in a cage,it was dark. Then,I saw some eyes that looked uncomfortable to me. 

“Good morning,welcome to my van” the shadow said to us.

“What,do you want with us?” Yang asked slowly. I looked at my darker side,he was looking at me.

“Oh,just a little something,called the Dragon gem!” he snapped at us. We looked at him like he was crazy,it was the mostful jew in the world,it’s power could destroy all of us if in the wrong hands.

“No!” I said as we try to stand up. “You will not have the dragon gem! You must be insane to think we would just give it to you!”

The shadow figure,looked at us with a evil smile on it’s face.

“Well,that’s something I can fix. Time for you to get fixed!” The shadow said.

end of chapter 1

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