Ch.7- We're here!

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Shadow’s POV

We are finally here in China. We can’t take the van from here to the dragon keep,we have to walk by foot. I was trying to read the map,when I run into someone. He looks down at me.

“Well,look it’s one of those outcasts from town.” said the guy I bumped into. I know his name,it’s Brass knuckle.

“Oh,Shut up.” I said to him. He pulled of my hood. “Hey! Give me that!”

“Hey,look guys it’s him.” Brass knuckle says to this gang. They laugh at me. I grab my hood,and pull it over my head.

“I’m not him anymore,I’m the Shadow!” I yell at him. He starts laughing

“The Shadow? Wow,that’s the most weirdest name for wimp.” he said.

“Oh really! Well,I got Yin-Yang under my control!” I said.

“What for? They are wimps too.”

“No they’re not!”

“Well,I had enough picking on you.” He said. Then he pushed me in the mud puddle. ‘You’ll see,after I have the Dragon gem.’ Then I standed up,and started to walk away.

Test Tube’s POV

I landed in a small town nearby the Dragon keep. I turn back to see Knife and Suitcase awake,but not Microphone. Suitcase hops over to me.

“Hey! Tubey! Are we here at the dragon keep?” She asks me while jumping up and down.

“We are almost there Suitcase,we just need to walk a little. To get there.” I said to little Suitcase.

“Awww! But I don’t like walking!” she complains. I’m wondering if someone gave her candy,at this time.

“Knife? Did you give Suitcase any candy,like gum?” I asked Knife. He turns and looks at me.

“Well,I just gave her a mint that’s all.” he said to me. I facepalm at him,he looks at me with a confused face.

“Knife,did I ever tell you that Suitcase acts like a little kid now.” I said.


“So,she can’t have any kind of candy,because if she does,she will have a sugar rush.”

“Ohhh, so that’s why she is hyper.”


I turn to Suitcase,she’s jumping all over the place. I try to calm her down,but nothing is working! Then I see that Microphone is awake.

“Okay,team let’s start walking!” Suitcase shouts. Then she hops out of the helicopter,we follow her into the town. As soon as we walk to the trading center,Suitcase starts touching plates,cups,anything that can break really easy. I keep telling her to not touch anything,but she doesn’t listen. We finally walk out of the trading center,and we see Dragon Mountain.

“Okay,Test Tube how do we get up there?” asked Microphone. I turn to her.

“We have to climb it,there is a cave at the top.” I start to say. Then Suitcase pushes a button.

“Or,we go through here.” Suitcase says.

“Or we do that.” I say. We start walking through the shortcut. It’s seems like we are walking for three hours,but we finally make it to the top of the mountain. Then Suitcase hears something.

“Tubey,I heard someone.” Suitcase says. I hear it too.

“Hurry up! Someone or some object beat us to it!” I yelled. We start to run into the cave.

Normal POV

Our heroes run into the dragon keep,to keep the dragon gem safe. Once they get there someone beat them to it.

“It’s mine! All mine!” The Shadow says.

“Not,so fast!” Microphone shouts. The Shadow turns around,and sees our heroes.

“Oh,look it’s the four outcasts. The Insane one,the memory-less child,the troublemaker,and last but not least the jailbird.” said The Shadow. Microphone sees Yin-Yang,and is mad.

“Yin-Yang! What did you do to them!” Microphone screamed at The Shadow. He uses the gem’s power to pick Microphone up.

“Microphone!” Shouts Knife.

“Let me go!” Microphone screams. The Shadow laughs.

“Now,Microphone, calm down. I’m going to let you all live only if I have the dragon gem.” The Shadow says to Microphone.

“You will never have the Dragon gem!” Test Tube says to the Shadow.

“Well in that case...” he starts to said. He throws Microphone to a wall. “Let’s have some fun! Shall we?” Test Tube gets out her needles.

“We shall,Shadow.” Test Tube screams. They start to fight each other,Suitcase starts to sneak up behind the Shadow to grab the Dragon gem. Knife runs back to Microphone.

“Mic-Mic? Are you alright?” Knife asks Microphone.

“Yea,I can’t believe you still remember the nickname you called me back in Inanimate Insanity,Knifey.” she replies back.

“Then,let’s kick the Shadow’s butt.” Knife says. Knife helps Microphone up,and they run towards the fight. Suitcase,tries to grabs the Dragon gem out of the Shadow’s pocket,but he keeps moving. Then she finally grabs it.

“I have it! I have it! I got the dragon gem!” Suitcase screams. The Shadow looks at Suitcase,and starts running towards her.

“Suitcase! Here!” shouts Knife. Suitcase throws it to Knife. Then Knife throws it to Microphone,then to Test Tube.

“Tubey! Over here!” Suitcase screams. Test tube throws it to Suitcase but Yin-Yang catches it. “Hey! Give it back!”

“Yin-Yang,give it to me.” The shadow says.

“No! Yin-Yang to me!” screams Microphone. Yin-Yang throws it The Shadow. Suitcase starts to chase after it,she jumps over Yin-Yang and runs onto the Shadow’s cape. The cape rips it cause her to fall,then the shadow chases it.

“It’s mine! All mine!” The shadow screams. He see that his cage is ripped off,everyone looks at him.

“I can’t believe it.” Knife says.

End of chapter 7......

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