Meeting new people

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Ok this is like the first chapter because the other one was to get it started your know what forget it.

Telma's Pov -

After dinner I called Abbily back and tod her about the neighbors well what I know about them,which by the way isn't a lot ,and my mom had me make cookies since I'm a fairly good baker( Telma really can't bake love you thou lml) and headed over to the big beautiful house.


"Coming.... Why hello may I help you?"

"Hi my name is Telma I live on that house over here and I brought over some cookies,as a welcome to the neighborhood offering"

"Thank you sweetie,would you like to come in ?"

"Umm sure"

"I have a son who seems about your age,how old are you if you don't mind me asking"

"Oh no it's fine I'm 17 I'm a senior at the Alex David high school"

"Oh really my son is 18 he will be attending that school as a senior also maybe you can show him around"

"Erm yeah sure"

"Ethan come here!"

"Coming ma"

"What's up - oh hi erm ..."

"This is Telma she lives on the street and came to welcome us to the neighborhood"oh my gosh he's a sex god,I can see his six PAC through his thin T-shirt oh my gosh I would love to-

"Are you ok telma?"

"Erm yeah just thinking!"

"Oh erm I was wondering if you maybe wanted a ride to school since I have no idea where I'm going and I kinda would feel better if I had someone that I knew with me"

"Ha I would love to ETHAN?right I'm sorry I'm bad with names but I promise ill learn it"

"Yes and it's ok my mom call me Edman a lot that's my younger brothers name"he laughed which made his very much toned chest bounce!

"We'll I better get back home but if you need help just come over,and if you want I can give you my number"

"Erm sure one sec"

"Umm 5085135701, and it's TELMA "

"Ok thanks I guess I'll see you Monday ?"

"Yep bye,hope you like the cookies"was all I said before I walked home so I could freak out like wtf how is someone that sexy oh my gosh in done.

Authors note:

Telma he's gonna be sexy like real talk cuz I got you girl lml go follow @telma13 she has a great book which I'm in as Carly but don't worry don't really love my bro that would be awkward taco ! Love you guys

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