Something's Wrong

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*Calum's POV*

We had about two more weeks left in Bali and it's been so cool, no fans, no stress, just freedom. We often party and go to the beach or something artsy. I sat on to couch watching some dumb cartoon thing, Macky sat next to me. It was just us two since Luke and Ashton went to go buy stuff.

"Could I ask you something?" I asked her. "What's up with you? You been acting different for like a long time."

She just sighed "I been getting these nightmares. For a long long time, like before we were even on tour it's been happening. I don't know why, but they're the same dream over and over again and each one has different ending. It just really makes living hard... I could barely sleep and eat. I keep telling myself I'll be okay, but the nightmares still happen and I don't know what I'm suppose to tell Luke. I don't need him worrying about me or you guys."

I faced Macky and scratched my head "I know you're not going to like what I'm going to say, but hear me out. Maybe you should take a break from this, no medias, take another break for touring, see someone like a therapist. You're health is more important than the band." Macky just nodded and looked at the wall "Once you really let everything that's on your mind, you'll get back on track. I get it something's is to hard to talk about when you know them personally, but just find that person and don't let them go."

"What if I already did let him go?" Macky said. I knew she was talking about Shawn. "I had that person and I was just being selfish... I'm honestly lost."

I sighed and patted her shoulder "Then you fix it, Macky. Call him, Shawn will always be there for you even though your stubborn ass pushes him away. That's what best friends are for."

"What if he doesn't?" Macky said.

"He will. Trust me if I was your best friend for 11 years no matter what I'll answer you calls. Go and do it, if you don't I'll have him call you. Watch" I pulled out my phone and searched for Shawn.

Me: Hey man! It's important text me asap.

Macky was looking over my shoulder and a few seconds later he was typing. I looked at Macky and her eyes widened.

Shawn Mendes: Hey, what's up?? What happened??

Me: it's Macky...
Could you like talk to her?? She's been out of it for a bit. Reckon she needs someone and she can't really get whatever it is with us...
Pls, man

The text was left at read and we both just stared at it, then Macky's phone started ringing. She froze and stared at it "Answer it!" her eyes were watery and she had her thumb over decline, then she answered it instead. I patted her shoulder "Go outside."

She hugged me and did what I said. Hope this helps more.

*Macky's POV*

I stood outside leaning on the railing "Hey, Macky..." Shawn said. We haven't called or texted each other since he texted me about leaving for MAGCON. "How are you?"

I don't know why specifically, but tears were falling. "Hey, Shawn... I'm not okay" a rush over tears just fell. After everything we been through, I just want to really just forget about. I felt that I could still tell him everything.

"What happened?"

"I been getting these nightmares about my parents. They'll be fighting and I'm stuck in the middle, get hit, and more screaming. In the end, I-I die... Runaway or it's someone else funeral... It all replays every night and I'm loosing it. I try to act like I'm okay, but it's no working. I get them so often, it's hard to sleep and I could barely eat. I don't know what to really do anymore..." Tears just dropped constantly and hitting my hand.

Shawn was quiet "Macky... Hey stop crying. You'll be okay, remember what I told you? Everything will be okay in the end, I promise. If you're not okay now, then it's not the end yet." I just nodded and wipped the tears off my face "You'll be okay, just breath. Get yourself together before you go back on tour. Just remember none of that is your fault and you don't deserve any of that that has happened to you."

I nodded again even though Shawn couldn't see me. "I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Just for everything I put you through. I know it's really late, but I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner..." I said looking at the view.

I heard Shawn chuckle "It's okay, it was kinda my fault too. Hey, Macky? I missed you a lot. I miss talking to my bestie, tell her to call me more often" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Still rolling those blue eyes, huh? I'm surprise your eyes are still there."

I smiled "I'm surprised too. Next time let's meet up and talk more, I really missed you honestly. I guess I been denying it this whole time, I guess I just missed this so much I wanted to."

"I'm sorry for hurting you, I guess I was just jealous. We're better off as just best friends" Shawn said. "Hey, keep me updated okay? I gotta go on stage, kinda been holding them up for 10 minutes talking to you."

I laughed "Alright. I will, bye."

"Bye, Macky. I love you, just know that. Like as besties" Shawn said. I could picture a smile on his face. I smiled knowing that I had my best friend back.

"Love you too. Just wanted you to know that... Bye, now get on stage" I heard him laugh and the call ended. I feel more relieved and relaxed, all the weight was off my shoulders.

*Luke's POV*

Ashton and I finally got back from buying some food, Calum was on the couch watching TV and I didn't see Macky. "Where's Macky?" Calum pointed at the back sliding door, she was on the phone talking. I walked over and opened the door "H-"

"Love you too. Just wanted you to know that... Bye, now get on stage" she said. I felt my heart drop out of my ass, she was cheating on me. Macky put her phone in her pocket and turned around. "Hey babe."

I scoffed and backed away from her "Stay the hell away from me! I can't fucking believe you, telling someone you love them and just look me in the eyes like it never happened! I should be the one questioning you and how much you love me!" I walked off as Macky followed me. I went in my room locking the door and literally cried my eyes out, I can't believe her. She's fucking cheating on me. I love her so damn much and she just does that. None of this makes sense to me. There was banging at my door and I just ignored it. That night was one of the worst nights of this relationship, this never happened and we never really got into serious fights. What am suppose to do?

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