Chapter 23

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Bill's POV

The walk back the rest of the way was incredibly awkward. I kept on wanting to apologize, to fix what I had done so my plans weren't in jeopardy, but I was too afraid that I'd slip up in speaking. Again.

By the time we had reached the house, the sun was just starting to set. I hadn't realized how long I had been out with Pine Tree. I walked up to the wall and waited to help him up.

He merely glared at me and jumped up, trying to grab hold of the wall himself. He managed to hook his finger on the top and struggled for a bit before dropping back down.

"Pine Tree, let me-"

"No." He spat. "I got this." He leapt up again and tried to pull himself up and fell back down. He waited, in stony silence. He glared at me and crossed his arms as he awaited for me to pick him up after all.

I did my best to make it quick as I set him a top the wall. He didn't even wait, he turned and hopped back off. I scoffed. "Huh, rude..." I didn't realize I had pissed him off that much. I hopped on over and walked across the backyard to his window.

He was already inside. Figures.

I climbed in and brushed myself off, looking up to see him waiting by his door, opened.

"What?" I asked.

"You can go to your room." He growled in a low voice.

I raised my eyebrows. "What? But your parents will see-"

"They're not out right now." He sighed hastily.

Shooting Star then decided to walk in. "Hey guys! How was the hang out?"

I swallowed nervously as Pine Tree's menacing glare flashed to Shooting Star.

"Whoa..." She breathed, "something happen?"

"No." I answered quickly. "He's just being grumpy, that's all."

Pine Tree slammed the door behind Shooting Star and she jumped. "Huh, you sure?"

I nodded and Pine Tree just stormed off to his bed and flopped down on it. I scratched my arm lightly. "Sorry..." I whispered to him.

Shooting Star looked at me to him again. "Sorry? What for?"

Pine Tree growled, not able to stay silent anymore. "For trying to kill me again, that's why."

Shooting Star whirled around, shocked and furious. "WHAT?! BILL!"

I felt the guilt slam into me. "I-I not exactly..."

"Oh, yeah?" She put her hands on her hips, her expression tart. "Then what was it, exactly?"

"He...was annoying me and making me mad so I snapped. But-but I didn't hurt him really." I pulled at my shirt. I better not have just ruined my plans.... My gosh that'd be awful...

"Didn't hurt me?" Pine Tree said in disbelief. "Pl-ease." He sat up and lifted up the back of his shirt to reveal too vertical red marks on his back. "From slamming me into that tree!"

Shooting Star clenched her teeth together and smacked me. "How dare you?!"

The pain didn't even spark through me, I merely stood there, feeling guilty as heck. "I-I know... I'm sorry." How many times do I have to apologize, yeesh?!

"No you're not! You did it on purpose!" Shooting Star told me sourly.

"Well, duh, it's not like I slammed him against that tree on accident. He was irritating me, because he was pestering me about my past, and I snapped. He knows I'm short tempered, he should be more careful." I crossed my arms and exhaled through my nose.

"You should the one being careful! We're the ones giving you shelter!" Shooting Star stamped her foot. "Maybe you should leave..."

Shock shot through me. "W-what?"

Pine Tree even looked surprised at the mere suggestion of it. "Wait, seriously?"

"If he's putting you in danger's too risky to have him here." Shooting Star sighed and looked down at her feet.

"What?! NO!" I cried out in desperation. "I-I can't leave!"

"Why?" Shooting Star's gaze was hard as flint.

My gaze darted around nervously. "Be-because I have no where else to go and...and I actually like it here." Ha, that last part was a lie.

Shooting Star narrowed her eyes. "Really...?"

I nodded. "Yeah... I've learned to like it here - it hasn't been that long - but I adapt quickly."

Shooting Star took a deep breath and thought to herself. "Well... Then I'm undecided. Dipper," she turned around, "this one is up to you."

His eyes widened and he glanced from me to her.

Oh, dammit... I wanted to face palm, but I couldn't now.

"Up to me?" He said shocked.

Shooting Star sighed. "Yes."

Pine Tree turned to me and examined me up and down. "Well, then he goes."

I inhaled sharply. "Are-are you kidding me?!"

"No." He growled. "You've been a pain since you've arrived. Now get out."

I could feel my heart beat beginning to race. "Then...what..." I couldn't find the words to speak. I had been so confident that I would be staying here for as long as I wanted that I didn't even imagine this outcome.

Shooting Star could see the hurt expression on my face, but turned away. "You can go, Bill."

I was having mixed emotions on this. I felt betrayed, horrible, sad and angry. I didn't think they'd ever kick me out and I was furious that my plans were taking a horrible turn. "Fine... I'll go then."

"And don't come back!" Pine Tree added.

My skin began to sizzle from my anger and I marched out of the house, and slammed the front door behind me.

"You want to play dirty?" I screamed once I exited the house. "I'm game." I ran my hands down my clothes and they disintegrated, being replaced with my much more comfortable suit and bow tie. I made my top hat appear and placed it atop my head let my black cane materialize into my hand. "I'm insane for a reason, kid."

Oh man, I managed to give myself two minutes on the computer so I could update this chappie hehe XD

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