I'm On Fire!

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Ok, the title is deceiving, I'm not literally on fire, haha. My writing has been on fire (somewhat, i feel like The Beginning isn't on fire but rather going down in flames) and I've been on a roll and stuck in a mood! Anyways, you probably don't care about that. I've written yet ANOTHER mother effing fanfiction because I couldn't stop myself XD

oh..I need mental help.

It's called Daemonophobia and it's already out my lovelies! Yes, I know, I'm writing this, and S A V E M E, and blah blah blah, but this story idea was so good that i just had to write it no matter what! It's not really an AU book but some things are a little different. You'll see if you go read it! haha hah *sigh* ok u guys dont care XD but yeah! Love yah!

                    - iseykitty

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