Chapter 28

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HERE'S UR CHAPPIE, FINALLY *pelts Ch 28 @ you* HHAHAHAAH *twirls away*

Bill's POV

I began to think that Shooting Star wasn't going to come out of her room as long as I was here, because for hours she stayed in there and never emerged. I didn't really think about what would happen when the twin's parents came home, but I'd just wing it like the expert I was.

"What should we do tomorrow, Pine Tree? I was thinking something fun to get your mind off this whole situation." I elbowed him gently.

He was now sitting on the couch next to me, the chain around his neck since he made one small attempt to run for it. "I don't care..." He said darkly.

"Sure you do." I ruffled his hair and he swatted my hands away, annoyed. "Oh, I know. We can go to the beach. I know the water's cold here in California, but still. Don't worry, it won't take too long. Magic."

Pine Tree turned his shoulder away from me, not even looking in my direction.

I took off my friendly act, annoyance replacing it. "Kid, if you don't act like your in full commitment in front of other people, those chains aren't going to be the only thing around your throat."

I saw his shoulders tense up and he brought a hand up to where the chain was.

"Did you hear me?" I spat.

"Yes." He retorted.

I suddenly heard a rumbling outside and I looked through the window, seeing two cars pulling up.

"Oh my god, my parents." He began to panic and started hyperventilating.

"Pull yourself together." I ordered him. "You better not blow it or you-know-what!"

I stood him up, making the chains vanish, and pushed him towards the door.

Pine Tree stumbled there, his legs trembling. "Oh man, oh man." He whispered, terrified.

I allowed myself to lye back on the couch and made my phone appear and pretended I was entertaining myself.

There was a knock at the door and I glanced up to see Pine Tree sweating like mad.

"Open it." I instructed him.

"Please, Bill. Don't do this. I'm not allowed to even date yet, let alone guys!" He whispered. "What will they think of me?!"

I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. Let them in. And get your act together!"

Pine Tree visibly forced himself to put on his best act, but underneath it was pain. He unlocked the door and swung it open. "Hi mom, dad!"

His mom looked surprisingly a lot like Shooting Star, while his dad only had Pine Tree's hair style. "Hey, kiddo." His dad said, hugging him quickly as they walked in, not noticing me.

"How was your day?" His mom asked, smiling.

"Gr-great." He said, stammering. His gaze flicked over to me momentarily.

"You ok, hon? You don't look so well..." His mom commented.

He chuckled nervously. "I assure you, I'm-"

"Who's...that?" His dad asked.

I looked up at them for the first time.

Pine Tree about broke down, but he maintained his act for the sake of himself. "That's Bill my...friend."

I smirked, leaping to my feet. "Aw, don't be so modest, Dipper." I strolled up to him and slung my arm around him and lightly kissed his cheek.

Pine Tree turned bright red and his parent's reactions were priceless.

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