Chapter 19

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Bill's POV

I stood up quickly from the bench and ran after Pine Tree. I saw him walking towards the swings to where Shooting Star was, she sat quietly and contently.

Pine Tree was approaching her, but she hadn't seen him yet.

I couldn't let him tell Shooting Star we were faking it. I couldn't let him give us away. I had to do something and fast. He couldn't ruin everything!

Quickly, without thinking, I teleported myself right next to him, grabbed his arms, and teleported away.

Pine Tree let out a scream as he was momentarily flung into oblivion and then dropped all the way at the end of the field behind some trees. Pine Tree scrambled to his feet but fell back down, screaming.

I collapsed to my knees, breathing heavily from using all that magic.

"WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!" He screamed and I jerked forward, covering my hands over his mouth.

"SH!" I hissed annoyed.

"What happened?!" He screamed through my hands.

"I-uh... I don't know." I lied.

"You don't know?! You just popped up by my side and we were shot all the way across the field!" Pine Tree tried to yank himself away from me, but I pinned him down to the ground.

"Pine Tree! Pine Tree! Settle down!" I growled and felt panic rising in my chest. "Be quiet!"

"Tell me what happened!"

"I-I think you're hallucinating." I stammered. Dammit, Bill. You should have thought before you acted! That was such a stupid move - teleporting you and him across the field!

"I was walking to tell Mabel that what we were doing was fake and suddenly I'm here! What. Happened?!" Pine Tree tried to get up, but I grabbed both his wrists and pinned them above his head and used my legs to still him.

I was silently grateful that he was too shocked to notice what an embarrassing position this was. "I don't know. I think you might be sick." I said quickly.

"Sick?! No, Bill! What do you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!" I lied quickly. "You really think I could teleport us here? I'm not magic!" I swallowed back my lies and felt wave after wave of dizziness wash over me from the power usage. I could not pass out now.

"Th-then what happened?" He stammered, his face white.

"I. Don't. Know. Maybe we should go back home..." I felt my arms quivering from either fear or tiredness.

"Bill, just- ow. Ow! Wha- why are you hands burning?!" Pine Tree squirmed and glanced up at my hands.

I snapped my head up and saw my hands were both engulfed in blue flames. I gasped, realizing that I hadn't been paying attention and recoiled backwards.

"There was fire coming out of your hands!" Pine Tree exclaimed, terrified. "WHAT ARE YOU?! ARE YOU LIKE-"

I shit my hand forward and touched my finger to his forehead, a blue light pulsating out, and Pine Tree collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. I felt my vision swaying, but I managed to stay awake. I scooped Pine Tree up in my arms and held him carefully. "I'm so stupid." I growled and mentally slapped myself.

Pine Tree looked a whole lot more peaceful when he was unconscious. With his head bent back, his hair fell away and revealed the Big Dipper constellation birthmark on his forehead. I smiled slightly and chuckled to myself.

I turned around and began to carry Pine Tree back across the field. I was half away across the grassy area when Shooting Star came dashing down the hill and to me.

"Oh my God, what happened?!" She cried.

"Pine Tree fell out of a tree he was climbing and was knocked unconscious." I lied.

Shooting Star looked him over, her eyes wide in fear. "Where did you guys go? You were running around playing tag - for some reason - and then you just vanished."

"'Cause we were climbing trees..." I could feel my legs wanting to give out and just sleep and recharge, but I refused to pass out now. "Let's go home."

"Did you do this?" Shooting Star growled.

I felt a pang of guilt, because I did do it. "No..." I said softly.

Shooting Star looked up at me. "You guys seemed you were having fun."

I smiled at Pine Tree. "Yeah, it was."

Shooting Star raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you doing some weird plot thing, because I think it's odd that you are suddenly wanting to be friends with him."

Damn, I thought, she's not as stupid as she looks. "No. I want to actually have a good time."

"So, the Eleanor rivalry is over?"
She asked curiously.

"I mean, I still-" I broke off, thinking of what to tell her. "Uh...yeah..."

She smiled. "Great! It'll be a lot easier to be friends this way." Her smile this time was a little more sincere. "Just be more careful with my brother - and no funny business. You already made yourself famous for that."

I laughed awkwardly. "Should we get going? I don't think he likes being knocked out."

Shooting Star nodded. "Will he be ok?"


"How do you know?" She said uncertainly.

"I just do..." I breathed. Hopefully Pine Tree would wake up and wouldn't be able to recall teleporting or the fire incident. That'd make my life a whole lot easier. We began our trek back.

I didn't really think about how tiring this would be when I was on low-power-mode, so by the time we had walked out of the park, I felt whipped, but I didn't show it.

"You ok? You look beat." Shooting Star asked, looking me over.

I adjusted my grip on Pine Tree, making sure I didn't drop his unconscious body. He was a lot heavier than he looked. I kept on having flashbacks of when he was twelve and I had first met him in his Great Uncle's mind and I shot a laser through his stomach. Ha, the irony that I had killed him that way too.

Maybe things were better back when he hated me and Arrow was no where to be seen. But she had came to Gravity Falls anyways and, here I am now, human and on a mission for her heart. Pathetic.

"Hello?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Oh, yeah, I'm-uh, fine."

Shooting Star fiddled with her sweater. "Ok...." She sighed and looked up at me. "I'm glad you're making an effort to befriend my brother." She finally said.

I looked down at his sleeping face and heard him saying that he hated me.

"It seems to be working." She added.

I lowered my eyelid. I knew that that wasn't true. "Ha....yeah..."

"You don't sound so sure?" She said confused.

"Just...forget about it." I grumbled.

If I couldn't get Pine Tree to be my friend and fast then I'd be going straight to Hell - and trust me, that place was awful.

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