Chapter 48

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Bill's POV

I think Ford was the lucky one in the family. When Pine Tree's parents returned and they found this random old man in their house, there was a moment of panic before Pine Tree assured them.

"Hello," Ford had said, "I am Stanford Pines, I'm Stanley's brother. The kids spent the summer with him."

The twins' parents were too stupid to notice the name switch and nodded understandingly. They introduced themselves and shook hands.

Pine Tree told them that Ford had come all the way from Oregon (was that seriously that Ford told Pine Tree?) and asked them if Ford could stay with them.

I was completely offended and angry that his parents accepted him so quickly. It was completely unfair. So, I'd be sharing a room with Pine Tree. Great. Just what I needed.

Once Pine Tree's parents left the room, Shooting Star turned to Ford. "So how do you guys know each other? I mean, it makes no sense."

I growled low in my throat and clenched my hands into fists.

Ford side glanced at me. "Well... I met Bill up in Oregon. We were partners on a project that we had been working on with each other." 

Pine Tree seemed suddenly interested.  "What was the project?"

Ford couldn't tell Pine Tree about the portal. No. He couldn't. "It doesn't matter..." he said quietly. "We were friends then."

"What happened?" Shooting Star looked shocked, but Pine Tree kept glaring at me. He knew we weren't filling him in on the whole story.

I decided to speak up. "Something wrong went with the project and we both did things against each other. In the end, we went our separate ways and I hadn't seen him until now." My tone turned sour. "In short: I hate him."

Ford's gaze wasn't kind either when he looked at me, but it softened when he looked back at Pine Tree. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

Pine Tree flashed me a smug smile and I narrowed my eye in a displeased manor. "Anytime Great Uncle Stanford."

He chuckled like hearing that made him happy. I guess it was a while since he had seen any real family of his. "You can just call me Ford."

There was a silence when the smug look was wiped off of Pine Tree's face and his eyes darkened. I knew he didn't want to call him Ford because that was what I had been calling him. Stupid.

"I'm fine with calling you Stanford." Pine Tree muttered.

I rolled my eye in exasperation. "Stop being such a wuss and man up." I spat.

Ford seemed shocked that I'd talk to my "boyfriend" like that.

"I feel like Bill knows everybody around here!" Shooting Star exclaimed in bewilderment.

I sighed. "I do, don't I?"

"Do you have anything you need to bring in with you?" Pine Tree asked Ford.

Ford shook his head. "No, I came down for...a visit..."

Pine Tree seemed slightly confused about that, but shrugged it off. "I'm glad my parents didn't go totally insane on you."

Ford tilted his head. "Why do you say that?"

Pine Tree and I exchanged a glance. "Oh... Well, they went totally bizerk on Bill."

An amused look crossed Ford's face. "Haha, well that's understandable."

I lightly punched his arm, signifying him to shut up, but Pine Tree and Shooting Star were laughing as well.

"We'll be having dinner in a couple of hours," Shooting Star said brightly, "I think we're going to a restaurant. You're welcome if you want." 

Ford smiled sheepishly. "Aw, I don't want to trouble you or anything."

"No! It's fine!" She cried out insistently.

Ford then smiled a sincere smile and I scoffed, annoyed. "Well, I guess I can."

Shooting Star grinned brightly. "Great! I'll go tell Mom and Dad! BRB!" And with that, she bolted off.

And I was left alone.

Immediately, both Ford and Pine Tree turned to me with a questioning look in their eyes.

I jolted. "Wh-what?" I stammered, surprised.

"Bill, I need some more answers about Ford. This stuff you're telling me is crap-" he turned to Ford, "-no offense."

Ford shrugged. "None taken. I need some answers about you and Dipper, Bill. There is absolutely no logical reasoning that you two got together..." Ford glanced at Pine Tree, "Uh... No offense."

Pine Tree forgave him.

"Oh please. I don't know why you're pestering me." I spat. "If anything, you should be questioning each other."

Pine Tree's eyes grew dark and hopeless. He knew that he couldn't tell Ford that our "relationship" was a fraud. Only I could. Freedom was a lost cause for Pine Tree. "Oh."

I decided to put on my acting face. "Well, Pine Tree, I guess this'll be a mini date for us." I booped his nose and he made an adorable face. "It's been a while."

Ford looked revolted. "Is it a fancy dining place?"

Pine Tree, reluctantly, nodded. "Yeah... It's kind of my Mom's birthday."

I burst out laughing. "And your darling father was supposed to be in a good mood today? Pft, I highly doubt that."

Pine Tree shot me a glare.

Ford looked flustered. "O-oh...fancy... I-I don't have a tux."

Pine Tree's hateful gaze suddenly lit up. "Hey! Bill can go and buy you a tuxedo! You can go right now to the mall. Don't worry. It'll be fine."

He must have seen me go white, because he chuckled.

"Wh-WHAT?!" I cried out desperately. "No! PINE TR-"

He was suddenly very close to me, his brown eyes big and sorrowful. "Please, Baby..." Only I heard the snarky mocking in his tone.

I swallowed hard, shaking. "F-fine. For you. I hate you."

Pine Tree drew away, obviously pleased that his attempt worked. "Here, this is my Dad's debit card. Don't lose it. Be back soon, you two!"

Ford didn't even have a time to react (his face was honestly priceless) and Pine Tree waved goodbye and went to his room.

" really do like each other...?" Was the first thing Ford said.

My face blushed and I crossed my arms hotily. "Yes."

He sighed. "It's still ridiculous."

I couldn't meet his gaze. "Whatever. Let's go get you a suit Poindexter."

He sighed and followed me out. "Couldn't you just magic one up?" He asked rather meekly.

I laughed. "Aw, but what's the fun in that?!"

I'm going to have fun writing the next chapter XD I can't even- omg

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