Chapter 11

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Bill's POV

I could tell Shooting Star wasn't too pleased that I was trying to befriend, Pine Tree. She could tell something fishy was going on, but she was being a little more lenient with me now. That was good...

So, I had gotten closer with the twins. That was good and all, but Arrow was nowhere to be seen and she was the whole reason I had come here. They were distracting me from her and that was quite agitating. I was still stuck hiding in Pine Tree's room until the Pines twin's parents fell asleep and that seemed to be taking forever.

"Can we do something?" I complained.

"No..." Shooting Star sighed. "We're having dinner in two hours and then sometime after that they go to bed. You have a while."

I dragged my hands across my face, irritated. "I'm so bored! Not even phones can entertain me now!"

She looked at me, confused and I closed my mouth quickly.

"Never mind." I said, covering up my lie again. "I just want to do something. I mean, this is a step up from being tied to the bed post."

Shooting Star rolled her eyes. "That was safety precautions." She explained.

"Did you really think that I would stay tied there for who knows how long? No. I'd find a way out of it through pure boredom." 

She shook her head. "I could care less. At least you didn't do anything to him this time."

Pine Tree let out a long annoyed sigh. "Mabel, I'm not a powerless wimp. Stop acting like I am one."

"I'm just protecting you." She breathed.

"I know, and thank you for that, but I'm not five."

"You sure did act like a powerless wimp at school, though..." Shooting Star growled.

Pine Tree paled and looked shocked.

Shooting Star stood up quickly. "I-I'm sorry, Dip-Dot. I didn't mean that..."

Pine Tree's shocked face turned angry and steely and he focused on the screen of his phone, refusing to look at her.

"I'm sorry, it just came out. I didn't mean it. I'm just really stressed out and worried about you.." Her gaze flicked to me and I narrowed my eye at her. Shooting Star had gotten a lot more sour since I had walked through her front door. Like they switched places. Pine Tree was being genuinely nice to me, but maybe it was out of fear. 

I watched them, not amused, as Shooting Star hugged him in apology. "Wow, how sentimental. Take your sibling bonding somewhere else."

"No." They said in unison and then they both proceeded to laugh.

I rolled my eye. It was a lot more fun with just Pine Tree so Shooting Star wasn't staring me down constantly. Even if I had to suffer through phone information, it was better than Shooting Star. She was pissing me off. Maybe I should have killed her instead of Pine Tree?

Shooting Star stood up. "Hey...has anyone texted you to go hang out with them yet?" She asked rather carefully.

Pine Tree's gaze grew extremely dark and vile, almost making me smile as I saw a little bit of my personality reflected in him. "You don't need to ask."

I turned around and pulled out my phone, hiding it, and texted him 'want to hang out?' so Shooting Star could shut up.

His phone went off and Pine Tree jumped and looked at the screen. There was a moment of glee before he looked up at me, not happy.

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