Chapter 38

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Dipper's POV

I had no idea what my opinion on Bill was anymore. For quite a long time I hated his guts and I wouldn't have cared if he was mauled by a tiger and left to die in a gutter.

But now....

I didn't know.

He actually did have a heart in there somewhere. A cold and almost dead one, but he was starting to warm up. I could tell. Him kissing me still haunted me. It haunted me in my dreams. That had been one of the things I had dreamt about.

It's highly disturbing to wake up knowing what you just dreamt about, especially when it's something like that.

For a little while, Bill and I had just been lying on the bed, staring at the roof and murmuring a small conversation with each other.

I never knew that Bill's life was full of so much trauma. He seemed to be in a lot of pain - maybe not he real pain like when you get a cut, but inner pain. I could see it plainly on his face now.

As much as I did hate him for forcing me to pretend I was gay and that I was in love with him and that I also had to fake that we had done horrible and scandalous things together... (Ugh, it sounds way more awful when you say it aloud), I still found myself pitying him.

He was doing a lot of this out of love for Eleanor. He just wasn't used to using human sense. He was a demon and it was hard to change that.

I'll admit, I am starting to warm up to Bill a little bit, even though I still have a slight bit of revenge on my to-do list towards him. But right now, I wasn't going to focus on rivalry.

I did tell Bill that there wouldn't be any weird cuddling, but of course he ignored that rule. Granted, he did fall asleep after over an hour of lying there. I was starting to get used to his weird forms of punishment and torture, so it was getting less and less awkward - thank God.

Right now he had himself wrapped around me and I sat there with a mildly annoyed face. Oh well, I'd get to tease him about it when he awoke. I honestly would have wanted my first kiss to have been a girl...

Oh yeah, me and Bill kissing - yeah - that was my first kiss. Bill stole my first kiss just for a diversion. I'll be honest that that was part of the reason why I was so pissed off. He just took it and blew it off.

I mean, I didn't tell him that him kissing me was my first kiss, but I didn't feel the need to tell him. I didn't really like reliving that moment in the first place.

Every now and then I would become conscious of Bill cuddling up against me and I'd get instantaneously embarrassed. But what could I do. I didn't even like him - not the way we were pretending.

Bill had secrets. Lots of secrets. This Ford guy was a big part of it and I could tell. He played a big roll in Bill's past. He never wanted to talk about him. It was like Ford was an embarrassing topic for him. I always wondered who this mysterious man was, but he'd never tell.

I suddenly felt anger swarm over me. Why was Bill suddenly all of my firsts?! He was my first kiss, the first person I had ever really cuddled with, the first person that wasn't family who saw me in my boxers, the first person who slept in the same bed as me (besides that one time when Mabel and I were really sick on vacation and had to stay in one room when we were, like, seven).

I growled. He was stealing all of my moments. Like, honestly, why couldn't he have been some hot girl instead of a hot guy? It would have made faking a whole lot easier so it wasn't so awkward. I mean, kissing a girl would be easier to fake than kissing a guy.

Wait... How would I know? I'VE ONLY KISSED A GUY BEFORE!!! Sorry, got a little pissed for a second. I just seriously wished-

I was flung out of my thoughts when Bill moved in the bed, resting his head on my chest, making my face heat up uncontrollably. Why was he so fearless and how was he so comfortable with being so... I don't know.... close to people?

He wrapped an arm around my stomach, breathing softly. He was so peaceful while sleeping, not so hard and sharp, more like soft and dull. He didn't seem so dangerous while sleeping.

Part of my instinct wanted to just rub my hand across his hair, but I knew that that was incredibly strange and creepy so I resisted the bizarre urge.

He snuggled into my chest. I wanted to shake him, waking him up, but he was so peaceful. I didn't want to ruin that. Bill snores ever so slightly, which had been making me chuckle. He was way taller than me, so he took up the entirety of my bed, while I was this short little man. He was so lucky to be tall. Only made him more intimidating.

Bill suddenly snored loudly and I laughed louder than I expected I would.

He flinched and woke up. "Wha...what...?"

I held in my breath instinctively.

He blinked and rubbed his eye and looked down at my body and then quickly turned and looked at my face, meeting my gaze. "I..." He sighed. "I'm a sleep cuddler?" He managed to say and I laughed anyways.

"It's fine..." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You must be pretty comfy, kid." He stated; obviously he had gained some of his usual character back after that little nap.

I awkwardly chuckled. "Maybe."

"You make a nice pillow."

I don't know why, but that made me blush. He was always making me blush and it drove me insane. Why did he have to do that?! Just, couldn't it be someone else that made me blush easily? I thought I grew out of that phase? "I-I-uh, thanks."

Bill chuckled and took that as the ok to lye back down on my chest.

The more I hung out with him the more comfortable I was with this stuff as I adapted to his strange ways. Was it bad that I was adapting? No... It was easier on me and my life. So this was good.

"Nice pillow." He exhaled jokingly as he rubbed my stomach, giving me an unsettling feeling.

"Yeah, ok, nap time's over, Bill." I said starting to get out of my comfort zone.

He stopped running my stomach and looked up at me with his one eye. "Aw, why, you getting uncomfortable."

How does he know everything? I pondered angrily.

"'Cause you're blushing like mad, that's why." He smiled and booped my nose.

I brought one hand up, feeling my face, and felt the heat transfer to my hand. "Aw, crap." I whispered. "Th-then yes. Get up please."

Bill pouted.

"Or at least stop rubbing my stomach." I added, remembering all the magic and power he had.

Bill smiled and laid back down. "Better. At least right now I don't have I worry about anything..." He sighed deeply. "I'll get up in a bit..."

That was a little inside-Dipper POV for ya'll since we never see his view of things ;P

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