Chapter 34

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I'm officially a freshman now
O-O wow

Bill's POV

I could tell that Pine Tree was thinking a lot about me killing him on that other time line. I figured that the fact I had murdered him before made him think it wouldn't be too hard for me to do it again.

The was untrue. Killing people isn't what I do, I make deals and follow up on them as I can. Pine Tree was the first person I had murdered and left them dead. He had stopped talking to me, deep in thought.

"Pine Tree?" I asked, breaking the silence like he had done earlier.

He turned to me, eyes heavy. "What is it?"

"Do I really scare you that bad?" It was a strange question for me to be asking, but I couldn't help but wonder if I was really that terrifying.

He sighed deeply. "I guess so..."

I hugged my knees, thinking about how Max had grabbed Pine Tree by his neck and lifted him off the ground and called him names. "I'm going to be honest... I didn't know humans could act as demonic as I am."

Pine Tree hugged his knees as well and stared at me. "What do you mean?"

"That kid, Max, he did what I had done to you before. I mean, he was like a demon - like me. I usually thought humans were these perfect angels. I didn't realize they could be cruel as well."

"Are you seriously that uneducated?" He asked bewildered.

"Being trapped in the nightmare realm makes it hard to get outside information, kid." I breathed. "Time flows differently there, so one minute it's 1620 and the next it's 1980..." I closed my eye. "You miss out on a lot."

Pine Tree exhaled. "Wow... I never really thought about that. Maybe that's why your so mean?"

I blinked, confused. "What does that have to do with my attitude?"

"You don't get to socialize. You're not used to having friends or real company. I get it."

I grew frustrated. What's this?! He's sympathizing in me?! Are you kidding me?!?! I laid out my legs and crossed my arms.

"What? Did I piss you off by sympathizing?" He asked amused.

I wanted to say "Yes, actually", but I said, "I don't know," instead. "Enjoy your free day, Pine Tree."

"Why do you keep saying that? Why not just have leisure time everyday instead of picking on me and my family?" He sighed angrily. "How is this going to get you Eleanor back, huh, Bill?"

"All in time." I growled. "It's not just getting Arrow back, it's about revenge too. It's a process that I'm not going to take the time to explain to you." I shook my head in exasperation.

"But you are literally just hanging around with me! You aren't even doing anything! You aren't even near Eleanor! I don't see how this-"

"Pine Tree!" I interrupted him. "Shut up!" I stood up to my feet and he did as well, his gaze hardening. "I am trying! We had this conversation!"

His glare sharpened. "Oh really? It's like your avoiding her!"

"I'm not! I need to wait- ugh, I'm not going to go through the trouble of telling you. Just accept it!" I clenched my hands into fists. Why is he being so stubborn. Is this kid bipolar or something along those lines?

"Oh, really? You've been hiding out in my house for quite a while now, Bill! You're pissing my sister off, my parents, me and Eleanor." A frown grew on his face.

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