Chapter 2

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I was situated in Western Australia, which is good, because I lived there my whole life.

“You died there,” that pesky little voice told me. I swatted it away and focused on my target. The boy I was Guarding was Jordan Young, a 17 year old boy who was having “issues”. I planned to track him down at school, but my wings weren’t ready yet, so I was catching a bus. Don’t worry! I had the bracelet on! Turns out they can’t just not see you, they can walk right through you. Bit creepy but I see where God was going with it. I got off with a bunch of teens and looked at the big sign;

“SWAN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE” It read. I looked around at the bustling school kids. They were wearing skirts, blouses and bazaars. The girls I mean! The guys wore trousers instead of skirts. Must be winter. How much time had passed….No! I can’t think like that! I pulled my hoodie over my head and walked into the entrance into a large square. School children were chatting noisily, and it was hard to think with all the commotion. I noticed winged figures, trailing behind each teen. A few waved to me as they walked past. Then I saw him. There were no pictures on his file, but when I saw him, something just…..clicked. He had long brown hair, and dark blue eyes. He was hunched over with his back to me, and I could see the muscle definition of his back. He was an athlete of some sort. I walked over to him. He was sitting on his own, reading “City of Bones”. I loved that book. The movie was coming out next year. I sat down on the bench next to him, the metal felt cool against my bare legs. I had shorts on, a bit silly for winter, thanks whoever designed my uniform. He read for 10 minutes then set in the bookmark, only to have it slapped out of his hand.

“Hey loser, you could just watch the movie you know, came out ages ago!!” A beefy jock said. Jordan picked up the book, replaced the bookmark, and put the book in his bag.

“Came out ages ago…How much time passed since I died?” I thought. The jock was soon joined by five other guys. I’m not saying Jordan was scrawny, he was quite buff, but these guys were on steroids.

“Books are better than movies, you wouldn’t know though, the only book you’ve ever read was “The Hungry Caterpillar,”" Bad move Jordan. The first guys cracked his knuckles, and advanced on Jordy, rage clear on his face. I felt like a bystander. I then saw a flash of white, and a female angel was standing in front of him.

“Don’t do it Josh, your mum loves you, your dad does care, you don’t have to prove anything,” she said. Josh’s face twisted in confusion, but he calmed down a fair deal, and turned to walk away. His posse joined him, and I noticed their angels too. Then Josh turned, it was so fast I barely saw it. He landed a right hook square on Jordan’s right eye, and sent him flying backwards. He crashed into the table and toppled it over. Josh smirked, his brown eyes looking evil and sinister. He walked away with his group following behind him, the siren echoing through the courtyard like a foghorn. Josh’s angel turned to me, and gave me an apologetic look.

“Sorry about that, he’s such a douche at times,” she said. The angel then extended a dark skinned hand.

“The name’s Lucie,” she said. Her dark brown eyes shone. I was slightly taken aback, and noticed how beautiful her hair was. Black frizzy hair framed her face, shortly cut, compared to my long hair. I realised how long it was taking for me to respond, so I grasped her hand with my own.

“Cynthia,” I said, “Aren’t you going to loose your human?” I asked. Josh was well on his way, probably on the other half of the school by now. Lucie shrugged.

“Nah, when you’ve been guarding the same person as long as I have, you come to be able to track them, I got to go, he’s yelling at the teacher now!!” She exclaimed and flew off. I shifted my attention back to Jordy. He had his hand over his eye and was clearly fighting back tears. What annoyed me was that no one stopped, no one bothered to ask if he was all right. They just walked around him, continuing on in their merry lives. I watched as he picked himself up, put the book in his bag, and briskly walked away, swinging the back pack on his shoulder. I rushed to catch up to him.

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