Chapter 8

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If I thought That HQ was chaos, then there are no words to describe the scene that unravelled before me. The mist of the transporter faded, and was replaced by fire. Trees were alight, grass burnt to a crisp. Smoke twisted and turned in the air, a mockery of grace. Wings. Wings everywhere. Some without bodies attached. Some white. Others black. Some were feathery, others scaly. All sorts of wings, in a sort of dystopia. Lucie pulled me through the start of the chaos to a small clearing, free of any dancing bodies.

“Focus,” she said, not yelling, not forceful, but strong, loud in my head. She gripped my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

“Focus,” she said one last time, and with a mighty cry, lept into the hustle of the crowd, sword in hand. It was hard not to laugh. I think I started to, then It was muffled by a pair of claws, reaching for my throat.

The reaction, instantaneous. I grabbed a small dagger on my belt, and thrust it into the base of the demon’s skull. This one was more humanoid. With black feathered wings, snakelike eyes, and claws for fingers. He twitched, and fell to the floor. Then moved no more. Whip in hand, I went in pursuit of Lucie.


“Big ones, small ones, some the size of your head!” Lucie sang eerily as she decapitated a shrivelled demon, with red skin. It burst into dust, and floated to the ground gracefully. I chuckled inside, but on the outside I flicked my whip, which coiled around a tall, skinny brute who resembled Slender man, and twitched my wrist, pulling off the head and some bloody entrails dragging with it, immediately turning into a fine black powder. Then we heard a bellow.

“Look out!” A muscular voice yelled, soon followed by a crash and some screams. I looked up, and saw great, hideous giants. They were 5 times my height, and probably 3 times as wide. They were sporting wooden clubs, with large spikes, and a small pixie like demon rode on top, giving them directions. The brute smashed it’s club on the ground.

More screams.

Lucie then glanced up, and smiled.

“Hello beautiful,” She sang, and took to the air. I could only watch in horror, as she took off, darting to miss the mid air combatants, and flew toward the beast. The pixie ontop noticed her, and shouted something in another language. The giant was slow to react, very stupid, but then tried swatting Lucie like a fly. She was graceful as hell though and he missed, while she danced like a beautiful ballerina in the air. She grabbed the pixie, flung him off, and, taking her sword, imbedded it in the crook of its head. The giant groaned, and slumped forward.

“Look out below!” Lucie giggled, as the demon fell forward, squashing the pixie who had once been its master. Then the body burst, dust flying everywhere. I had to shield my eyes in order not to get any into my eyes.

“Beat that!” Lucie said in glee, making me roll my eyes. Then I felt pain.

My arm burnt like fire, and I felt dizzy. I rolled up my sleeve. Nothing. Then I felt a pain in my stomach. God it hurt! I keeled over, grabbing it, and then I heard him.

No……not my arm…..why me? Leave….leave me alone….Cynthia? Cynthia!”

It was Jordy.

“Cynthia!” Lucie cried and rushed over.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, helping me to my feet. I looked around. I couldn’t see anything. Too many people. I left her, and took off into the air.

“Cynthia!” She cried. I didn’t look back. I blocked her out. I guess that’s natural though, when you have Guardian duties to take care of.

I dodged a few tumbling angels and demons, never looking twice, I flew higher, higher, until I could see the entire battle field. I was panicked. I felt his panic, and it mixed with my own. The battle was wide spread, I couldn’t see the end. It took over the town, and decimated the oval. The sky was filled, below me, and I could hear the cries that rang out. I frantically looked, and searched, and fluttered here and there. Then I felt it. I was being pulled. I looked over to the south, and saw the school. It was intact. But I was being pulled there. So I flew. I flew over the gate to Hell, over the battling pairs, that from afar, looking as if they were dancing, over the out skirting fights, until I saw it. ‘It’ was a large circle, drawn into the Earth by large stone pillars. They had not been there whilst I was on Guardian duty, the demons had brought them in, tarnishing the school with their ugly, stone beauty. I fluttered down, just outside the circle and watched. I saw nothing.

I listened. I heard nothing.

“Ah Cynthia! I was wondering when you’d show up!” I heard a vicious voice say. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the voice was familiar. I didn’t see anyone, but I felt Jordy. His fear was strong, crashing over me like waves of anguish. I looked around, frantic. Where was he?

I heard a chuckle. It was in the circle. I took a step, cautious, and saw everything inside. As soon as I stepped into the protective spell, I saw what they were hiding. The stone pillars were a georgeous black colour, shining, wet looking, and there was a new stone in the center, a table, with a dark tapestry hung on it. The grass was growing, but red. In front of the table, was Jordy. He wasn’t alone. With him was Alex.

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