Chapter 9

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“Alex, what are you doing?” I asked, fear wrecking my body. But the pieces started to fit together. He wasn’t at the gathering before the battle. That's because he was here.

“Don’t act so surprised!” He laughed. He had changed. His eyes were a tinge of red, destroying the beautiful blue hue. His wings were in the process of malting, and were black at the tips. His body was turning pale. He was turning into a demon.

“Alex, this doesn’t make sense,” I said, eyeing Jordy. My heart fluttered. He was tired. He was being held upright by Alex’s left arm, his right pinned him with a sharp, crooked dagger. Jordy’s stomach was bare, sick, twisted runes etched into his skin like it were paper. Alex grinned. His teeth were like daggers.

“What do you mean doesn’t make sense? It makes every sense!” he declared, waving the knife around. My hand went to my belt, towards my whip.

“ah ah ah!,” he said, putting the knife firmly against Jordy’s neck, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I growled at him. He wouldn’t dare.

“Here me out though,” Alex said, and started to pace back and forth across the circle. He was dragging Jordy behind him, trying hard not to get too close to the dagger.

“If you, were at God’s side for over 50 thousand years, wouldn’t you want a little something? A bone here and there?” He asked, talking more to himself than to me. He was monologing. That son of a bitch actually monologued. What a snob.

“Because I did. I wasn’t one of the very first, I was after Lucifer, but still. I was devoted. I was obedient. I did whatever he wanted me to do!” he said. With every adjective, he tapped the knife against his prey’s throat.

“But oh no! I didn’t even get one lousy position! I was stuck, watching you filthy vermin live your lives. It was ridiculous. And those younger than me were getting to stay up in heaven, not doing anything!” he yelled, anger starting to boil under his thin skin.

“You got a promotion,” I said, hands in fists by my side. He smiled, looking at the ground.

“Yes, well you see, that was after I started. I started only 100 years ago, and God had to give me the position! I had no choice. The plan was ready. I was to break the seals, and join Lucifer, be his second in command,” he said God as if he were stating the name of vermin.

“I’ve done 9 seals, do you know what is the last?” he asked, looking at me as if he already knew the answer. I shook my head sadly.

“Of course not! You didn’t get trained! Well Cynthia, I had better tell you then, shall I? I have to make a sacrifice-“

“Stay away from him,” I snarled, Alex backed up, and Jordy’s head snapped up, eyes blurry with exhaustion.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head. Not a human sacrifice, although that would have been easier. An angel. But not just any angel, one with humanity, something only a human can posses. That’s why I let you die, your faith ensured you would go to heaven, and you were the type. They spoke about you. How you would save the world,” He chuckled in sarcasm, waving around the pointy object.

“But really, you’re just a weak, pathetic mongrel, who feel in love with a mundane!” He spat, and flung Jordy to the side like a Rag doll. I went to get him, but was tackled by Alex. We tumbled down the hill, through the school. He shoved me off, and I hit the wall hard, cracking the concrete. Whip in my hand, I lunged, my wrists trying to keep up with him. He was too fast.

“Can’t keep up darling? I oversaw your training. I know all your moves,” he whispered with a grin, and came at me, dagger gleaming. I dodged, but he skinned me on my side, sending me twisting to the right, landing on my face. The whip skittered out of my hand, only to be stepped on my a black boot. I looked up at Alex as the gold shimmered and died, and got out my sword. He came again, but I was ready, and brought the sword upwords. He tried to dodge, but his left hand was severed, clean off the bone. He shrieked in pain.

“You little bitch!” He roared, more animal than human, and launched at me. We flew through the air, and crashed through the gym windows. Glass splattered everywhere, but he got the grunt of it. He pushed me off, and flew to the other side of the court.

“Whenever you’re ready,” He grinned, arms open. I grimaced, and charged, sword raised. He in turn leapt, a rugged scimitar in his grasp. The clash of metal echoed in the large hall, seemingly loud in the still room. He stuck his foot out, which tripped me over. I stumbled to the ground, my sword skittered away.

“You see? Humans make pathetic angels! They aren’t good with reflexes! Their humanity gets in the way!” He said in triumph, to an invisible audience.

“Now, you will die,” he said, very calmly. He gripped my throat, and picked me up without effort.

“Satan, will be free,” He said, putting the knife to my shaking abdomen.

“And your little pet, Jordy, I will make sure he turns,” he grinned.

“No!” I cried, and grabbed the dagger. I pushed him, as hard as I could, and he landed on the floor, hard. I ran, dagger raised, and plunged it into his heart. Alex’s eyes diluted.

“My humanity is what separates me, from bloodthirsty brutes like you,” I snarled, and ripped the knife out. He wheezed, and was still, eyes glazed over with death.

“Jordy,” I said. One word, and my perspective changed. I ran out of the gym, and back up the hill. He was lying where Alex had discarded him, and he was getting paler. He tried to say my name, but all that came out was a rugged breath.

“Shhh it’s going to be ok, I promise,” I said, not sure if it would be. The runes were glowing red.

“No, it’s not,” I heard behind me. I spun around, knife at the ready. It was Detroise. He had a rip in his armour, and a large gash under.. I’m glad I didn’t meet the creator of it.

“Those runes are turning him into a demon,” he said, face grim. I shook my head.

“No…” I muttered, then said it louder.

"You're lying!" I yelled out to them all.

“Cynthia….” Jesus said, suddenly beside Detroise. He wore a mournful look.

“No there’s got to be something, something we can do!” I said, eyes brimming with tears. Jesus shook his head.

“We can’t undo it,” he said. I looked back at Jordy. Did he even know what was going on? He looked at me, those blue eyes watching me. On his head, lumps were forming. Horns.

“No, Jordy, stay with me!” I said, tears now fully streaming. He reached up, and stroked my face with a bloody hand. It left a trail, of his own blood. Then his eyes turned red, and with a vicious snarl, he was gone. The only thing telling me he HAD been there was the dark patches of blood, on the already red ground. I stayed like that, kneeling, scrunching and unscrunching the grass, in the middle of the so called ‘won’ war, with ash and debris around me, until Lucie pulled me up, and took me home.

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