Chapter 7

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The week after I was relived of my Guarding duties was rough. My feelings for Jordy hadn’t demised, not in the slightest, and since I was free all day, Jesus was training me harder than ever. He was convinced he could coax an element out of me.

“C’mon, we have to at least try!” He said, trying to convert my thinking. I wasn’t in the mood. I missed my person. Alot.

“Ok,” I sighed in reluctance. He smiled, and took my hand. He pulled me into the standing position, and tilted my head up, so I was looking into his eyes.

“Stay right here,” he said, and disappeared behind some bushes. I heard some rustling, and a few clangs and clonks, but finally, he emerged with a small table. He placed it before me gently, and placed some seemingly random items ontop. First was a rock, next was a cup of water, then a log, and then he placed, from his hand, a pile of dirt.

“Come closer,” he prompted. I grudgingly obeyed. I watched the objects, knowing what was supposed to happen. My element chose me. For Lucie, the cup of water tipped over, but the water did not spill. For Ethan, Lucie’s puppy boy lover, the rock had split in two. I had no idea what the other elements would do. No one told me, as was tradition, but Lucie wanted to give me a heads up, and I secretly thought she wanted me to be able to contol water like her. Jesus narrowed his eyes, a confused look crossing his face.

I stared at the table, willing the objects to do something. It seemed so cool how everybody could bend an element, like Avatar.

“ I don’t understand, I thought you were ready…” he sighed, as nothing happened. He put the elements away, and folded up the table. A dissapointed look was plastered on his face, like a kid who wasn't aloud a chocolate.

“We’ll try again another day,” he said, a hopeful look replacing the dissatisfied one.

“Jesus I’m-“ I was cut off by a loud wailing siren. Jesus looked up, into the sky, as thousands of little humanoid dots jutted the sky, winged creatures flying towards the center of Heaven. I'd say the sound was coming from HQ..

“What does that siren mean?” I asked, fear trembling my voice. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

“Some one’s trying to open the gate,” he said, and took off. His pace was slower, more relaxed, and I could easily keep uo with him, even out run him.

“What gate?” I asked. I could actually keep up with him this time, seeing as how he’d slowed. Why was he walking so slow?

“The gate to Hell. Someone has undone the first of 10 locks. Someone’s trying to unleash Lucifer and his army,”


There was chaos at HQ. Angels flittering everywhere, humans being escorted out of the main square, panic. Panic everywhere. I saw Detroise, standing in the middle of a bunch of confused and panicked angels, firing questions at him that he calmly turned down.

“Detroise! What’s going on? I yelled above the noise. He looked at me, and hustled over, trying not to hit anyone with his dark, broad shoulders. Jesus had left me, to discuss with God or something, so I was alone.

“ We’re going to war. Have you seen Alex? He should be here! He needs to make preparations!” He huffed, and stormed off, bellowing Alex’s name, leaving me alone again.

“Cynthia!” I hear a familiar voice. Lucie. I spin around, to find her pushing her way through effortlessly.

“What do we do?” I ask, panicked. She tried to calm me down, but I was constantly being hit on the back of the head by wings, arms, legs, and other limbs.

“Wait for orders, it’s going to be all right,” she said, smoothing my tangled hair from training. I had it in a ponytail, but it had gotten loose while fighting a moving clay doll. Weird, right?

Quiet please” a voice on the speakers said. I didn’t know who’s it was, frail, obviously a man.

“Please… Please be quiet” he pleaded, to no avaid. Everyone was still chatting noisily, and rumors were spreading about things. How no one had opened the doors since before Jesus was born, how Alex was missing, how there were millions of demons about to be unleashed.

There was a crackle over the boom box, and I heard Detroise’s booming voice.

“Everybody shut the hell up!” He roared. Silence ensured.

“Thank you,” he said, “General Alex is missing, currently. No one has seen him since this morning. I’m sure he’s passed out in a hot tub somewhere,” Snickers rippled through the croud.

“Anyway, yes, one lock has been opened. We have 9 more until all Hell breaks loose, if you’ll pardon the pun. I will lead in Alex’s absence, And we are to depart for Hell’s Gate immediately. Gear up and let’s go!” He roared, earning a great cheer from the angels. We then departed to the barracks, Lucie towing me with her hand, so as not to loose me in the massive enslaught of now rabid warriors.

“Here, wear this, it’ll look fabulous on you!” She said, and threw a gold corset my way. It was heavy. Probably solid gold. She also chucked an undershirt, and black pants my way.

“Standard outfit for us minors,” She said, putting on her shirt. I felt uncomfortable, but I noticed no one was looking in the girls barrack, so I slipped my top off, and put the undershirt on. It was loose around the wrists and stomach, but tighter around the bust. I pulled the pants on. They were flexible, and comfy. Last was the corset. It was decorate, with swirls engraved into it. It was tight, and had leather straps to hold it up.

“It does the job well,” Lucie said, grabbing her sword.

“Most demons go for the heart or throat, this eliminates one, and this the other,” she said, handing me a gold choker. I put it on. It was light, and wasn’t constricting.

Ten minutes!!!

The speaker yelled. I swore. What was going to happen down there? Jesus mentioned how demon blades ripped out your soul, and they could take it. Maybe That would happen to me. Maybe I’d become a demon, maybe I’d-

“Snap out of it!” Lucie yelled, slapping me firmly on the face. It stung, but brought me into the reality. I grabbed my belt, put in my whip, sword, and looked up to see Lucie handing me a rectangular object with a strap.

“Put it on,” she said. I adjusted the straps, and she pushed a button. The rectangle immediately unfolded, making a 360 circle. It was a shield.

“My first shield. Use it well,” she said, and clicked the button to turn it back. I noticed how there was an engraving on it. L.C it said. Wonder what the C was for.

"We gotta head for the portal, it will trasport us to the feild!" Lucie roared above the loud crowd, and pulled me out of the barracks. She tugged me towards. HQ, stumbling through masses of people, trying to keep our heads above everybody so we could see.

"Screw this," she muttered, and took off in flight, I followed her, finding it hard to stretch my wings, but the open air was nice. Other angels had similar ideas, but there were more on the floor. We flew over the HQ, where I saw a blue orb. It wasn't solid, but looked like a river, flowing into the center.

"That's the portal," Lucie told me, pointing. She took my hand, and we flew into the void.

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