Chapter 6

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­A few days passed, and it was the weekend. Jordy looked happier this week, but every now and then, he’d look around the room, trying to find me. I’d always laugh, earning a scowl from the other angels. They had obviously caught wind of my little chat with my person.

Jordy was constantly hitting me with the hard questions, the kind I wasn't supposed to answer, and I tried my best to avoid answering him, but all I told him was that yes, God is real and yes, every human has an angel. So yeah, a pretty smooth week. Except the fact that I was sooooo busted.

“Cynthia!” a voice boomed as soon as I had teleported back to HQ after Jordy’s *incident*. I sheepishly walked up the stairs to the source of the noise. It was my best friend, the Head of Guardians, Detroise.

“Hey, D-man, my main man!” I said, arms outstretched, trying to appeal to my 'home dog'. He glared at me in return. I lowered my hands and dropped the smile.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now,” he asked in a furious whisper. I stood there, shocked. Kill me? Is that the punishment? But I’m already dead?

“I erm…. A…..Hmmm….” I stumbled over my words as I looked for an answer, stroking my imaginary beard as I did so. They never came.

“Seeing your human as a human, I accepted, quite gracefully, but strained, but as an angel?!?!?” He roared. I flinched, and shrank in size.

“It’s just one human and hey! I delivered him to the path of God!” Wrong answer.

“They are meant to find it themselves! Cynthia, this isn’t a joke!” I nearly cried. This guy knew how to effectively use his voice. He sighed, regaining his temper, and turned. He held his hands behind his back.

“After this week, I’m putting you on probation. You are to remain in Heaven until we see fit to give you time back on Earth, and even then, you will be lucky to recieve a human, and if it is your lucky day, it will not, I repeat NOT, be your current one,” He said, arms flexing ashe tried not to loose it.

“What? No! Jordy needs me!” I tried to protest, but the elder was already descending down the stairs.

“We will re assign an angel to him, one with more….experience,” and with that he was gone.

I never told Jordy that I was leaving. I didn’t have the heart, but something in him clicked, on that very last day~


“I saw you had some whips on your belt, does that mean your like, a super bad ass super hero?” Jordy asked. I rolled my eyes.

“They’re to kill demons, dumbass,” I retorted. It was lunch again, and there were but a few people on the court, mostly playing basket ball.

“Oh….so wait, that means Satan is real to?” He asked. I was giving in to his questions today, seeing as it was my last day with him, he had picked this up, and was firing like a freaking machine gun.

“What’s it like to kiss an angel?” he asked, not pausing. He had opened up considerably since that night, I had noticed. It was nice, like I wasgettingto know the real him.

“I dunno, never kissed one,” I huffed. He looked at me for a moment, took a swig of orange juice and pulled me close for a kiss. His hands were wrapped up in my hair, and I sat there, shocked, for a few seconds before I kissed him back. His lips were hard at first, but he soon softened up. It was clearly his first kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist posessively, and then laughed. It broke the kiss, earning a disgruntled look from Jordy.

“What?” he asked, clearly upset.

“Nothing nothing, just that you're so cute!” I giggled. grumbled.

"I'm not cute, I'm manly as hell," he said, then thought twice.

"If you'll pardon the pun,"

"So, what wasit like, kissing an angel?" I prodded, a sly smile on my face.

“Well, it feels good to kiss an angel, but I guess I don’t really have a human to compare it to,” Jordy said. He went back to his lunch, and I saw him sneak a few glances my way. I took his hand in my own, and squeezed it.

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