Chapter 4

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Thursday, things were quite normal. I had watched Jordy wake up, get dressed (Not literally you sick bastard!!), eat breakfast and get down to the bus stop. There were no seats on the bus, so he was knocked back and forth by other students. They snickered when he fell forward on some fat little lady. She gave him a swift hit with her hand bag. He departed the bus, just as the siren rang. He got his books out for English. He sat at the back, again, on his own, in his own world of work and music. Bullet for My Valentine, a classic! He then went to Science, a double, then S.O.S.E, another double!! Ok, whoever planned this day is such a knob! Lunch time came.

“Hey,” I said, as I rounded the corner. He looked up at me, and familiarity clouded his face. He then turned back to his lunch.

“Didn’t think you’d come back,” he mumbled. I laughed, and sat down next to him. Should I take this as a warning?

“Of course I came back, why wouldn’t I?” I asked, fiddling with my hair.

“They all leave, so why not you?” he asked, glancing over at me.

He then went to sport, where they played basketball.

“Ok class, today we’re going to play one on one!” the teacher said all to cheerily. He then elected two leaders from the class of all boys, Josh, and another named Trent. They each took turns picking out, one by one, people who would be on their teams, one by one, each student was picked, one by one, until Jordy remained. The teams were even.

“You have him,” Trent moaned. His team mates agreed.

“Nah, you have him,” Josh snarled, his hands in fists by his side. Trent saw the obvious threat, and immediately agreed. I rolled my eyes. Jordy would thrash your ass at basketball mate.

“Great! That worked out better than expected!” The teacher clapped. Seriously? Better than expected? One student was made to feel like a complete loser, and that’s “better than expected?” I hate the education system.

So the two teams stood either side of the basketball court, spread out and opposite someone. They were all given numbers.

“When I call out your number, you run out, grab the ball, and go for the shot,” the teacher said. So he called a few out, the teams were fairly even, but Josh’s team was ahead by just a little. Then the teacher called out Jordy’s number.

“Number ten!” he bellowed. Jordy instantly shot forward for the ball, only to have Josh grab it first. His opposition was Josh. Great.

“Gotta be quicker than that loser,” Josh smirked, and dribbled the ball towards his goal. His team were cheering him on, but Jordy’s team remained nonchalant, just chatting idly among themselves. Jordy soon gave chase, as Josh shot for goal. Miss. Jordy caught the rebound, and ran like a bat out of hell to his goal. He got down the other end, and tried to shoot for goal. Tried being the key word, since 60 kilos of boy slammed him face first into the ground.


The whistle shrilled.

“Foul Play! Point goes to Trent’s team!!” the teacher hollered. Josh grunted and got off Jordy. The latter boy lay there for a while, moaning. I sighed, darted behind the wall, and turned the gem. I then darted out to his side.

“C’mon buddy, up you get,” I said, hauling him into a sitting position. His eyes shot open and he stared at me.

“What?” I asked. I offered my hand, in which he promptly took it and stood up.

“What are you doing here?” he asked. We walked off of the court, and he sat down on the sidelines.

“I was going to the bathroom, and when you didn’t get up well…” I said, gesturing to the change room doors to the side.

“Oh…..” he said, “Thanks,” he brushed a hand through his hair.

“No problem,” I said with a smile. I then took my leave, and went into the change rooms.


“Cynthia! Wake up!” Lucie yelled, as a large hunk of a rock was flung my way. I just barely managed to roll out of the way. The new angel in front of me grinned. He could manipulate the Earth, which was a pain in the ass. Lucie sighed and rubbed her eyebrows.

“Thank you Ethan, but you’re services aren’t necessary today,” Lucie dismissed the man, and he bowed, eyes fixed on Lucie, a sly smile on his face, and left the garden. He totally had a crush on her, but she didn’t know. I wonder if Jordy has a crush on me……

“What is wrong with you today?!” I was snapped out of my trance by a sharp bark. I stood, bewildered for a few seconds, then regained my posture.

“I’m just tired,” I said, my human instincts kicking in. But that’s the thing. I’m not human.

“Angels don’t sleep! They don’t get tired! We don’t even need to eat!” Lucie exclaimed, exasperated. She sighed, and turned as if to walk away.

“Look, I’m really sorry, I’m just-“

“In love,” she prompted me. My face turned as red as Satan’s butt cheeks.

“N-no! No way!” I stammered. This only encouraged her.

“Well who is it?” She yelled excitedly. She flew up to a tree branch and perched there, eyes showing her eagerness.

“No one!” I cried in defence. I backed off a few steps, trying to escape. I felt a torrent of water push me forward. Lucie was a water angel, I had unfortunately learned.

“It’s Jordy, isn’t it?” she said with a sly smile. She flew back down from the perch to stand in front of me.

“No!” I cried. My face was so red by now that I swear it would burst. She chuckled, and pulled my hand. She pulled me up a flight of stairs, and to a fountain. The fountain was and angel, arms stretched towards the sky, a bowl on her hands. It was over flowing, water cascading down her stony features.

“You see this fountain?” she asked, “It is said to tell you what is right, and what is wrong. If you drink from the water’s, it will tell you what God wants you to do,” she smiled. I cocked my head to the side, and she picked up a cup. She half filled it with the water, and presented it to me. I looked at it cautiously. It looked murky, like swampy water. Lucie nodded, and I took a sip.

“Bleh!!!” I spat, the water was disgusting! Lucie lost it. She was rolling on the ground laughing her pretty head off.

“There is not fountain of Truth, is there?” I asked, enraged.

“Nope!” she said in between giggles. I snarled, and kicked her in the shin. I was drenched in the fountains water in return. We lay there, giggling, as the sun rose.

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