A cute and sometimes dirty Puzzleshipping fanfic and for mature audiences because this will have smut and partial smut scenes! There is also danger and fights.
Yugi is the talk of his new school. Unlike the other students- Yugi from a middle-class b...
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Me: yay! I'm making another short story because I fucking can! YGO doesn't belong to me- sadly. However- I do own this story.
Yugi: are you really going to do this like this... You and your love of science...
Me: I'm proud of my love thank you very much! *pouts* you're just jelly of my smarts in science!
Yugi: *rolls eyes* on with the story... <><><><><><><><><><>
A 15-year-old teen boy who stood shorter than most his age groans in exhaustion from the 6+ hour trip to his new school. He glances at the many bags in the back seat of his grandfather's car; a sigh escapes his lips. The boy was nervous about this new school because- it was Domino Heights, a private boarding school for those with money, power and influence. Now this boy was in because he was rather brilliant. Perhaps one might call him a young genius as his IQ is over 145. Unlike the other students, this boy was from a middle class family; his wit is what gave him a chance to attend.
The private academy and boarding school of Domino Heights was the size of a small town. It had everything and the best educators around the country. It held grades elementary to High school and all were from top-class families. Domino Heights is a pristine campus with everything you could imagine! Truly a playground for the rich side of the country.
His car pulls into the school through the massive black iron gates and towering walls. The boy and his grandfather enter the admissions building together. The lady up front smiles, "ah- you must be Mr. Mutou! Welcome to Domino Heights!" She quickly turns her attention to the teen beside the older gentleman. "You must be Yugi- congratulation on your acceptance to the academy!" A bit of soft blush paints on the boy's cheeks as he nods.
The boy named Yugi had exotic tricolor hair consisting of- angelic blonde bangs that gently drape against his shockingly smooth ivory skin. The rest of it was black in a star shape design with pink-purple tips. He had big, bright amethyst eyes upon what seemed to be like a cherub's face. He stood at only 5'5"- most 15-year olds are at least 5'10" or taller. Not Yugi- he was cursed with shortness from his family traits. He didn't quite care for the fact so he was rather reclusive; he always studied or practiced the popular card game 'duel monsters'. As he sighs once again he leans against the desk bored.
The lady seeming to notice his behavior- calls for someone and an albino teen boy with milk chocolate-doe eyes wearing his uniform smiles. The lady gives Yugi his own uniform and schedule. "This is the day off so you can get a tour by Ryou here. He is also your roommate! Your things are already in your dorm room. I just need to finish things here with your grandfather. Once we're done he has to leave so you'll have to say bye now." Yugi nods then gives his grandfather a hug, "please call when you get back home Jii-chan." The elder smiles and nods before he turns his grandson over to the excited albino teen.