Chapter 13: New Engagements and Pre-wedding day

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Me: here's the second part of the wedding preparation and this will have 3 POVs okay? Those POV are (in order of appearance) Jounouchi, Ryou and Yugi! LOOK FORWARD~

Yugi: Syra doesn't own YGO but she owns this story so don't steal!

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Jounouchi POV

I woke up early (1030am) to knocking on my door. I stretch and get up walking to the door to find Seto's personal butler there. I rub my eye then yawn, "may I help you? It's early..." He clears his throat and pulls out a box, "please shower and put this on, my master wishes to see you." He then excused himself and I walk into my room opening the box to an epic outfit. It consisted of a black hoodie with dragon horns on the hood and a scale design like my favorite card which is Red-Eyes Black Dragon. There was a red button up shirt with a white tank-top with some gold chains for a necklace. Lastly there were a pair of blue jeans with a gold chain to hook on the side and a pair of black converse. Did he pick it out?! It's amazing! I hurried and set it out then rushed to my dresser to get some boxers and then went into the bathroom and got out a towel so I could shower.

Once showered I dry off my mop of hair, brushed my teeth then got dressed and lastly put on a little cologne that Seto gave me for my birthday. I hurried downstairs to find him dressed in a similar outfit only his was like Blue-Eyes White Dragon. His was a white hoodie with designs on the hood like how Blue-Eyes looks, a blue button up shirt with a white tank-top, silver chains and blue jeans and white converse. I hurry over to him, "what's the occasion? You never wear casual wear! You look amazing!" I say with a hint of blush on my cheeks. He smirks and looks at me, "we're going out- is that okay?" I smile big and nod, "of course! So, where are we going?" Seto smirks still, "you'll see puppy though I'm certain you'll enjoy it~ also get your deck." I nod and run to get my deck box then return to his side as he heads outside then chucks a helmet at me. I put it on and see that he's on his motorcycle so when he gives me the heads up I get on behind him and hold onto his waist.

~One motorcycle ride later~

We end up at Kaiba Land but the place seems empty almost and we get to the box office and the man there looks at me and smiles before gesturing Seto and I in.

In the 5 almost 6 hours we were there we went on every ride and I went on them multiple times, ate amazing food for free, and dueled twice with the love of my life! Best date EVER! We left Kaiba land and went to a fancy restaurant and were given suits to wear. He must've booked it before hand and went to the secluded more area and ate a delicious meal then something unexpected happened. He had me stand up and when I did he got on one knee and pulled out a box to reveal a black gold band with a ruby center. My mouth goes to the floor but I shake it off and smile big as he speaks. He looks me in the eye, "Katsuya Jounouchi will you make me the happiest rich man in the world and marry me?" I push the ring out of the way so I can kiss him and he kisses back. I smile big, "of course I'll marry you moneybags!" I hug him tightly and he hugs back, "now you're officially mine puppy~." I of course when we got back to the house called up Yugi and Ryou as well as Honda. We all laughed and cheered and I fell asleep still wearing the ring.

Ryou POV

I woke up to Bakura tapping my shoulder holding out some hot tea which I sit up and take. I take a few sips waking up properly and look at him, "you rarely make me tea, what's the occasion?" He smirks and holds out a blueberry scone, "I made you breakfast also. Here's the first part~ I'll meet you in the kitchen." He slinks off and I get up after setting down my tea and got my robe and put it on then made my way to the kitchen. When I get there, I'm met with my favorite breakfast foods and I even got cream and jam for my scones! I sat at the table and ate the wonderful breakfast with him.

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