A cute and sometimes dirty Puzzleshipping fanfic and for mature audiences because this will have smut and partial smut scenes! There is also danger and fights.
Yugi is the talk of his new school. Unlike the other students- Yugi from a middle-class b...
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Domino Heights
Me: so~ I'm keeping their normal personalities but Yugi will be more so S0 at the beginning. Very shy, doesn't involve himself with others, pays attention to school and other such things rather than socializing. That kind of thing; now last chapter we jumped right into the Puzzleshipping juiciness but this one will be as the title suggests; a to-do list. It will make more sense as you read.
Yami: I'm here! Why am I here Syra?
Me: oh- I can't find Yugi so I figured you could do the disclaimer~ please?
Yami: why not, *shrugs* Yu-Gi-Oh doesn't belong to Syra but this story does so please don't touch it...
Previously on Domino Heights:I lie awake in my bed as thoughts of my crush rush through my brain keeping me awake. How can someone be THAT sexy and still be so kind?! He's so cool... I'm glad he saved me... I yawn as sleep begins to take me into its embrace.
A new school- a new chance to live normally as a teenager should and getting a crush... this is going to be a strange year...
I cover my eyes when the bright light of the morning sun blinds me momentarily. "Ryou- what time is it?" as my albino best friend/roommate is just waking also.
A yawn escapes Ryou's lips as he looks at his phone, "it's- 615 in the morning..." (6:15 am) He gets his clothes and walks to his bathroom to shower while I go to mine.
After exiting my bath, I dry off and get dressed before I fix my gravity-defying hair. I put on my two belts, dark navy belt choker, black leather studded wrist bands, and my silver necklace with the name of my favorite Pharaoh in Hieroglyphics. His name was Atem and he ruled for 9 years and died when he was only my age. He looked a bit like me but Yami is like a pale double! Speaking of him I need to hurry! "Ryou I'm heading out first!" I grabbed my bag holding my books, pencils and pens, paper folders as well as a small pad of paper with a list.
I sigh when I reach the square where Yami was leaning against the post. I ran over, "I'm so sorry- did you wait long?" I blush as I see how he wears his uniform; he had wristbands, belts and a choker just like me and he wore his blazer over his shoulders like a cape. He really is princely- so handsome... gah! This is no time to go into fantasies! I don't even know if he's gay! I sigh and he looks at me worried.
Yami had been waving his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention, "hello? Anyone home? Yugi?" I shake my head and blush. I open my mouth to apologize but he shushes me, "don't apologize. It's only 730 so no need to be so tense. Come on let's go get breakfast at the coffee shop." I nod and follow my crush to the location.