Chapter 11

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Previously on Domino Heights: What will happen next in our lives I wonder? All I know is that I have a letter to write tomorrow... a letter to a certain girl...

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Yugi POV

I was admiring the ring Yami gave me yesterday as for our engagement and I'm still fanboying about it! I'm gonna get married to the love of my life!

I pulled out some paper, envelope and a stamp with an address on it. I wrote the address on the new envelope and wrote it for a Mrs. Syra Vargas in proper writing. I bit the top of my pen as I thought about what to write and slowly it hit me.

Dear Syra,

Hey it's me Yugi! I have some exciting news for you but first I'll tell you how I've been. Classes are getting harder and I'm having a little trouble with the math but Yami is a great tutor so things are starting to make sense. I'm currently top of my class and the teacher's pet for the medical programs.

Now the part that I mainly am writing the letter about is that... Yami proposed to me and of course I said yes! So yeah I'm getting married and I'm inviting you and your husband to the ceremony no matter what! I'm so excited and the ring is absolutely gorgeous! It's a simple silver band with amethysts and diamonds in it! I can't believe it! So yeah we're still planning the ceremony but it'll be after both Yami and I are out of college so in about 2 years. I'll send you the information when we have it. I just had to tell you first since well I know you'd probably kill me if I didn't! Or your husband would one of the two- but yeah Yami and I are engaged! I'll send some pictures soon of how we look together.

That's all for now and I hope you're still doing well! I miss your insanity but I'm okay knowing that you're happy and safe!

Until next time,

Your friend Yugi Mutou (soon to be Sennen)

PS: we're saving sex for after we're married that doesn't mean we'll not do some dirty things now that we're engaged and no I'm not sending you pictures... ciao~

I smiled big, "there now to seal it up and mail it out to Italy!" I finished the final touches on the letter then walked to the post office to mail it. When I got back Yami was on his laptop typing and I decided to sneak up on him. I wrapped my arms around him and blew in his ear. He shuddered, "Yugi! Don't do that... how are you love?" I kissed his cheek, "I just sent a letter to Syra to tell her the good news! I'm so excited Yami!" He chuckled his super sexy laugh and turned around then kissed me. He's so perfect and so romantic- what am I a fucking high school girl whose senpai just noticed her?! He pulled away and I whimpered, "I have schoolwork to finish Yugi we can go tell the others after I'm finished alright? Maybe get some ice cream too~" I giggled and let him do his work then walked to my own desk and started on my project due in a week.

Skip to, Later

I walked with my fiancé hand in hand as we headed to the ice cream parlor to meet our friends. When we arrived the familiar faces of our friends were there waving to us minus Bakura and Seto who were stoic as ever. We all sat at the huge booth in the back and I noted the four couples there who were obviously waiting to find out why we called them out. The one to speak up was Honda, "so Yugi, Yami- what did you want to tell us?" I took Yami's hand and squeezed it as I took a deep breath. Before I could speak he spoke first, "Yugi and I are now engaged." I felt my cheeks heat up, he said it so smoothly! Is he a god or something?! Yami kissed my cheek and I smiled as our friends cheered. Well- all of them except Seto and Bakura who just clapped. I smiled and we all discussed how it happened and Jounouchi was begging to be my best man so I said he could be. He's my best friend after all- though I met Ryou first... strange but whatever. Ryou isn't really the 'best friends' kind of guy though. He seems content with great friend I guess, not that I'm complaining.

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