Chapter 3: Mischievous Lovers

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Domino Heights

Chapter 3: Mischievous Lovers


Me: okay so this chappie will be a mix of Puzzleshipping and of pre-Tendershipping! XD

Ryou: *walks in and smiles gently holding a tray of tea with scones* here ^-^

Me: le gasp- Ryou's famous scones!!!!! *munches happily* =w=

Ryou: *smiles sweatdropping* Disclaimer- Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi but this story does so please don't touch it...

Also~ {Yami to Yugi mind link} & [Yugi to Yami mind link]


Previously~: Yugi just tell him how you feel! "Yami. Yami you're not alone... the reason I was so nervous to answer was that- until I met you, Pharaoh Atem was the image of perfection to me." I smile, "now I have a new one and he saved my life. Yami you're my favorite okay? I-I have had a crush on you ever since I met you!" I gasp when he put his lips on mine. I closed my eyes getting more enveloped in the kiss by the man who saved me- Yami, my angel.

We pulled away for air blushing, "surprise I'm gay!" we say in unison before laughing.

Yami hugs me and I nuzzle into his chest, "Ryou will be so proud of me! I finished my to-do list! Also I can possibly help him get his own crush too!" Yami arcs an eyebrow at the name Ryou. "You can't say anything but Ryou really likes Bakura and calls him Kura! Wait-,"

He and I speak together, "we could hook them up!" Yami and I break out laughing at our synchronized words.

I blush and so does he, "I love you" once more in perfect unison and end with a kiss.

(if you don't already know- this story is Yugi's POV- mainly)

Yami and I walked together to our next class and people were staring at us. Mainly for the fact that I'm the new kid and a young genius- walking with the second richest boy on campus... nothing weird there- wait... oh man- I don't think I mentioned that! Yami Sennen is the heir to the second richest company- first being his cousin Seto's company- Kaiba Corp. I was somewhat shocked but when I remembered where I am I wasn't so shocked at that point. What did surprise me was that I'm now Yami's boyfriend! Now for things to get really funky- he and I both room with the other's crush. By this I mean that Ryou really likes Bakura while Bakura really likes Ryou. So- since Yami and I are together we want to help our roommates get together~. How is the question... unfortunately both of them are stubborn bulls... not all that helpful... but- Yami and I are together and we will make them a couple!

Yami tapped my shoulder when we arrived at our classroom- it was history*. Yami and I sat beside each other in the table next to the window. I right beside the window while he was right beside me. I was rather eager to start because it was on Egyptian history- both he and I love it! He especially since he's the reincarnate of a fricken sexy-as-fuck pharaoh! I'm so lucky!

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