Chapter 14: Bachelor Party Time~ XD

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Me: alright kittens it's time for Bachelor parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S ALMOST WEDDING TIME IN DOMINO HEIGHTS!!


Time flew by since the day I told my friends that I was getting married. I decided to sleep in for once and I was rudely awakened by Jounouchi, Ryuji and Ryou shaking me. Ryou showed me the time on his phone, "it's already 4 in the afternoon Yugi! We have a lot to do and not much time to do it!" I got up fast and shoved them out of the room so I can change. I put on my favorite black skinny jeans, double navy studded belts, a tight black tank-top and a navy leather jacket. I put on my black belt choker and black boots before heading to the others. I smile big, "let's go! Whose car we taking or are we walking?" I ask excited. Ryuji speaks up, "we're taking my convertible! Follow me fellas!" The four of us walk out to his parked convertible and we speed off.

Yami POV

I had left before Yugi did since we were going to do something new for my 'party'. Myself, Seto, Bakura and Honda all got into Seto's party limo. We drove around until we got to a club where we all go and dance, watch dancers, party and drink.

Normal POV

It was a long night and they all were plastered (well Yugi and Yami were since they don't have quite the tolerance that the others do for alcohol) and so they were taken to respective places since you're not supposed to see the bride (groom in this case though Yugi is more feminine... I won't spoil what he's wearing =w= ) for 24 hours before the wedding. Yugi stayed at Ryou's place while Yami stayed with Seto (not like he doesn't have enough rooms...). The two grooms were nursed back to health and helped them feel better from their bound to be hangovers.

Yugi's phone starts to ring and he has Ryou answer since his head was throbbing to no end. Ryou answers hesitantly,


Ryou: h-hello? This is Yugi's friend Ryou who is this? Yugi is plastered from his bachelor's party...

???: Hey Ryou! It's been eons since we've spoken! Did Kura finish science well?

Ryou: *eyes widen* Syra?! Is that you?!

Syra: you got it cutie~ so Yugi's plastered from his bachelor party huh? Well tell him that Luciano-my husband- and I will be coming over for the wedding. We finally got a break from-work... anyway we'll be there at around noon tomorrow since the wedding is at 6 right?

Ryou: you got it! You know I don't think I've met your husband yet... what's he like? Are you happy?

Syra: you'll just have to wait and see him and I have a surprise too :D I will tell you but don't say a word to anyone okay?

Ryou: my lips are sealed!

Syra: I'm a mom :D I have a boy named Giovanni! You'll all get to meet him he looks a LOT like his dad :D

Ryou: that's wonderful news Syra! I can't wait! Well I need to go now and tell Yugi the good news that you're gonna be there for the wedding!

Syra: sounds good ciao for now! *hangs up*

~End of Conversation

Ryou sorta skips to Yugi to tell him the great news, "Yugi that was Syra! She said she's coming to the wedding with her husband and she has a surprise for you. She didn't say what but she said to look forward to it!" Yugi blinks and smiles, "that's great news! I can't wait to see her again! Ow..." he holds his throbbing head and Jounouchi comes to Yugi with a glass of water and headache medicine. Yugi nods in thanks and takes the medicine then lays back down exhausted. He sleeps until 10 in the morning before he's dragged around to get ready for the day.

Me: sorry it's so short >< I know you've all been wait eons for it but ya know... ||>> things happen... *coughs* writer's block *cough cough* I should probably get checked for that cough... probably allergies... where I'm at is one of the worst places in the USA for pollen...

Yugi: next chapter I'm getting married huh?

Me: you got it cutie and wait til you see what I'm putting you in...

Yugi: *gulps* oh would you look at the time!!! Ryou invited me for tea! CAN'T BE LATE!! *bolts*

Me: tch coward... well see you next time! CIAO KITTENS

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