Chapter 6

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Me: so guys sorry for not posting this for a while >~< I'm so sorry anyways writers block is fading for this story so I want to update it again =^-^= so~ yeah |D here's the next chapter of Domino Heights.

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO but Kazuki Takahashi does however I own this story so don't touch =w=


Yami POV

I woke up from a nightmare about my Aibou covered in blood so I called him up to make sure he was okay.


Yugi: hmm? Yami it's 3am... *yawns* what's the matter?

Yami: n-nothing is wrong I just- I had a bad dream and it woke me up...

Yugi: dream *yawn* about what? Sounds pretty bad if it woke you up this early...

Yami: it was... a-are you alright?

Yugi: besides being sleepy? I'm fine just a bit sore from being hunched over reading...

Yami: just like you to study huh?

Yugi: *chuckles* yeah- force of habit... anyways try to get back to sleep we have a test first block remember?

Yami: shit- totally forgot... and since you asked so nicely- I'll go back to sleep... love you Yugi

Yugi: I love you too Yami! Goodnight *hangs up*

-End Conversation-

I felt a lot better after talking to him and fell asleep shortly after dreaming peacefully.

When morning arrived I met Yugi and we grabbed coffee so we could study for the test/him tutoring me. I like him being my teacher- he's sweet and cute- not to mention brilliant! Yugi is perfect and I love him so much!

-Time Skip to After School at Library-

Yugi and I sat with a few friends outside the library chatting casually about nothing in particular. A girl with long dark brown hair and amethyst eyes -who we know now is the daughter of the head of the country- walked over. Syra was followed by Mahado and asked to sit with us and of course we agree but another purple eyed friend kept looking at her funny. Marik- Ishizu's little brother was looking at Syra with a look of concern. He and his sister have this "ability" to see the future and stuff; he had a seriously grim expression and went over to her.

Marik kneels and looks her in the eyes and Syra just blinks and leans back nervously. Our Egyptian friend speaks, "something is going to happen to you soon- something bad... my sister described you in exact detail in her vision... you mustn't go into the west building today..." we all looked at him nervous but not as much as Syra did. She had a look of fear like she knew something but was too shocked to say it. Marik walks away and Yugi looks at Syra concerned and pats her shoulder encouragingly. She smiled softly but her heart was not in it; she was afraid. Our single female friend walks away with her guard and the rest of us sigh and separate also- minus myself and Yugi. He and I took hands and decided to walk in the garden. We sat on the stone bench before the lily pond/fountain hand in hand. I look at him and smile earning one back; Yugi kisses my cheek making me smile more. He really is perfect...

Yugi's POV

I kissed Yami on the cheek smiling warmly making him smile too. I knew he was upset- he called me this morning because of a nightmare but wouldn't tell me it so- I'll make him. I tug on his sleeve making him face me and activate my "unstoppable puppy dog eyes" and look into his crimson ones. I tilt my head a bit as I speak, "what was the bad dream about that woke you up? Please tell me Mou Hitori no Boku..." I saw him blush and sigh in defeat. He looks at me with sad eyes, "I saw you covered in blood..." I felt myself go a bit pale at how bad that must've been and- yikes... A tear fell down his cheek and I wipe it away gently with my thumb then kiss him. He kisses back and smiles at me and I grin back, "I love you Yugi..." I keep my smile, "I love you more Mou Hitori no Boku..." We hug then go back to our dorms hand in hand.

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