Chapter 15: Wedding Bells Ring

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Me: hello hello folks! Long time no see! Sorry for the leave of absence but here's the chapter everyone's been waiting for! THE WEDDING OF YAMI AND YUGI! HUZZAH!!!!! *throws random confetti*

Seto: you're loud... *holding Jounouchi possessively*

Me: sorry I'm just happy is all! :D

Seto: I see... well just hurry up and tell the story for pete's sake ya damn author...

Me: so mean! Jounouchi you'd better soften him up!

Jounouchi: yes ma'am!

Seto: hey don't get on her side!

All: enjoy the story!

☆* :.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.: *☆

As always it's in Yugi's POV)

I woke up in my bed and sat up to yawn while stretching my sore muscles. I was trying to figure out where I was until I saw Ryou walk in with a tray. He smiles gently, "good morning Yugi! I made you breakfast and if you're wondering where you are you're at my place. You passed out in the car so we carried you up here to one of our guest rooms. Your outfit was brought over already so you can have it ready to change into. Please eat up then join myself, Jounouchi and Ryuji in the living room alright?" I nod and take a bite of the food which as always was delicious. Despite him being British he's an excellent cook and so is Bakura- or so I've heard, he only cooks for Ryou.

After breakfast I get out of bed and look at the time and see that it's 4 o'clock?! I guess it was my 'breakfast' since it was my first meal. I hurry out to the guys, "why didn't you wake me sooner?! I only have an hour to get ready then go to the chapel to set up everything!!" Jounouchi sighs, "we did try. You wouldn't wake up but a bit ago we heard you move so we made you something to eat! We don't have long before we need to go so get ready! We're all ready so get moving. Ryou said you can use his shower and that we got you a pair of boxers to put on." I smile at them and nod then strip and get into the shower washing off and getting all clean.

Skip to after everyone's at the chapel

I pace waiting for the planner to come back from the reception area. She rushes over with a smile, "everything is ready mister Mutou! All we have to do is wait for the other groom to arrive. You look great by the way!" I smile and glance at my outfit which is a stunning black tux that has amethysts as buttons and silver threads laced through it giving it a dull shimmer with black dress shoes. Yami's family had it made for me and it fits like a glove. I adjust the silver bracelet on my wrist that has a single diamond embedded into the center. Soon enough all our guests start to arrive and one in particular caught my eye and I ran over. There standing in a elegant purple dress was Syra and next to her her husband Luciano who wore a military uniform. There was one other thing that I saw was the small hands gripping Syra's dress from behind then out peaks a little boy with the same hair as Luciano but with Syra's purple eyes and fair skin. He wore a little suit with shorts and brown loafers with ankle white socks. He was extremely shy and that was when Syra kneeled and pulled him to show me, "say hello to my son Giovanni Yugi. Surprise~ I'm a mom! He's 3 now and still so shy! Giovanni say hello to Yugi." I kneel so I'm eye level with the little boy, "hello Giovanni I'm Yugi." He blushes softly out of shyness and sorta shrinks, "c-ciao Yugi... it's nice to meet mama's friend." So cute!!!!! Luciano smirked proudly and Giovanni retreats back behind Syra who picks him up and he holds onto her. The brunette smiles, "it's good to see you Yugi. Congratulations on you getting married! I'm glad I got to come see a real life yaoi wedding! *w* anyway I'm gonna take my seat near the front!" She gives me a wink then walks to her seat with Luciano who pats my shoulder. I smile warmly then go to my spot when I hear Yami's voice.

Once everyone was settled Yami and I took our places and I found myself staring a bit at him. He looked so handsome; he wore the same style of tux as me only he had rubies rather than amethysts and gold thread rather than silver. He also had a bracelet with a diamond on it but it was also gold. He smiled at me and the service began.

The priest went through the motions, "do you Yugi Mutou take Yami Atem Sennen as your lawful wedded husband?" I smile brightly, "I do!" The priest nods then turns to Yami, "Yami Atem Sennen do you take Yugi Mutou to be your lawful wedded husband?" I gulped and Yami flashed his perfect smile, "I do." The priest smiles and gestures for the ring bearer to come forward which he does and holds up the rings on a pillow. I take one and place it on Yami's finger and he takes the other and does the same to me. The priest holds his hands out, "I hereby pronounce you married! You may kiss now." He hold his hands together at that point and Yami lifts my chin to kiss me which I return. The chapel sounds with applause and then Yami and I wave to them smiling brightly.

Once the ceremony was over we moved to the reception area which was egyptian themed for the sake of Yami's background. He and I were changed into traditional ancient Egyptian attire; gold bangles and all. He looked like a pharaoh and so did I- it was amazing! The food was delicious and finally we got to the point where Yami and I do our dance that we've practiced. We danced like no one else was there, it was so romantic. Soon everyone else joined in dancing and the music changed to party music rather than a waltz. We were dancing and jumping enjoying every second! It was amazing!!

Eventually the party ended and we got all our gifts which were transferred to the hotel in Fiji that Yami and I are going to for our honeymoon.

There's where the real fun begins...

To Be Continued...

Me: aren't I mean? Cutting off at such a crucial moment? Oh well XD

Yugi: yes you are mean Syra! Making me wait even longer for... >//////<

Me: KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cuddles Yugi but Yami pulls him away making me pout* hey! I was cuddling him!

Yami: that's my job now thank you very much!

Me: true... *gloom*



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