Weeks later

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Its been about a week Jacob's been sad but happy i saw him hanging out with another girl named liz he spent the last 2 nights at her house while i been home alone crying and barely eating. Im not really hungry i guess..😔😣😰😫 i have been in pain sense that day!

I sat on my bed with a knife by my desk. Looking at it then looking at my wrist. Should i? I haven't before? But i hurt so bad. I deserve it! I picked up the knife hesitating. The cold blade slowly slid across my smooth skin. It kinda didn't hurt. I said looking at the one line across my upper wrist that started to bleed. I guess....
I continued as i began to think
1.for being annoying
2.Breaking up with jacob
before i could continue i heard the front door open. I rush to my bathroom with the knife i lock the door and washed it off then put it in under the sink. I washed my wrist off. Or tried then put pressure on it and put on my black hoodie and walked out. I guess me and Jacob talked a little.
I walked down stairs to see him with another girl. Liz they sat down on my couch and watched mine and Jacob's movie nemo. She kissed him right when she saw me. He put his arm around her. He glanced at me then my wrist i looked down to see a drop of blood coming down. Jacob was about to get up but i ran inti my bathroom. I rolled up my sleeve and put 2 band aids on my wrist. I slowly walked down stairs to see a concerned Jacob. But no liz. Um liz went home because she had to do stuff! Jacob said as he glanced at my wrist again. Hey what happened? He asked as i put my hands in my pockets. N-nothing! I said as i looked down. Sure! He said messing around with me. I began to smile but it faded quickly. I walked into the kitchen. I looked down remembering how me and Jacob had out ketchup fight here. We threw food and squirted ketchup at each other and he wrapped his arms around me making me feel safe. But now its over liz gets that not me. Tears began to fill my eyes. I slid down the wall and put my face in my hands and cried. Jacob came to comfort me but i pushed past him and went into my bathroom.
Hey let me in!! Jacob pounded on the door.NO GO FIND YOUR AMAZING GIRLFRIEND LIZ!! I yelled as i cried. Shes not my girlfriend. He said quietly.
I like some one else he said as i let him in. He hugged me but i didn't hug back. He texted liz said that he's busy  so they cant hang out for today. She kept asking plz olz plz plz but he said no then put his phone away and picked me up and set me on the bed. I layed in a ball. He cuddled me as i fell asleep. I forgot i took of the band aids while i was in the bathroom crap! I pulled my sleeve down more as i was ti lazy and comfy to get up. My eyes slowly got heavier and heavier. Until i fell asleep.

I woke up stretched out my wrist showing and Jacob staring at it almost in tears then one of his tears fell on my cut. I quickly pulled down my sleeve snapping Jacob out of his trans. I tucked my arms under me and turned the other way.
He was speechless. W w why??
Is all he could say. No reason. I said as he turned me to face him. He hugged my tightly then pulled down my sleeve and kissed every single one of my cuts. Jacob pushed me towards him. My face was in his chest i started to cry, i soon began to fall asleep.

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