11; Cigarettes, scars, and MP3 recordings

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I knew I'd have to come to the Principal's office sometime during this year, more than once probably, but I didn't think it'd be over something as stupid as standing up for myself in a fight.

"Why did you start the fight, Zayn?" Mrs. Marsh folds her hands under her chin and waits patiently for my answer.

I don't look up from the floor, my body remaining in a slouched position, arms folded. "I told you. I didn't."

"That's not what I've been told. I believe you threw the first punch?"

I can still feel my head throbbing, but the ache in my stomach has faded away. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I feel dried blood caked on my lip and chin. They offered me a wet towel to clean myself up with, but I didn't take it. "You wanna know who started it?" I finally look up, jaw clenched. "Bring in the other guy. He's the dick who should be punished."

"No one is punishing you, Zayn. I just want to learn your side of the story. Joel's already told me his." Mrs. Marsh looks sympathetically at me.

Joel, huh? That's the tool's name. "What did Joel," I raise my voice in a mimicking tone at his name, "say?"

"He told me that you punched him when nothing had been ignited."

I almost leap out of my chair. "What? Are you serious? He started it! I was standing up for the guy he was picking on and he went and bloody insulted me."

Mrs. Marsh looks calm, as if she's heard this all many times before. I guess she has. "And what was the insult?"

"I....look, it doesn't matter. All I did was stand up for myself. Isn't that what you adults spend your whole lives teaching us?"

"Standing up for yourself doesn't mean violence, Zayn. You shouldn't have had to result to that." She looks through some papers on her desk. "We are very aware of Joel's bullying record, and it is being attended to. What you did for Carter was very kind, but it was unnecessary. It's best just to not get involved."

I can't believe this. She was blaming me for something I prevented? "If I hadn't have stepped in, Carter would've been the one in the middle of a fight. You've seen that kid. It's a wonder he's even still living with that skinny little body."

"Zayn," Mrs. Marsh sighs, like I'm a child that's 'just not getting it'. "No one is blaming you. I'm sure Carter is very grateful; however, you still started the fight. And violence at Westlake isn't tolerated. I'm afraid I have no option but to stand you down for two days. It isn't long, because I do believe you are telling the truth when you say you were defending yourself, but you will not be allowed to leave your dorm for classes, or any extra curricular activity, for that period of time." She hands me a slip of paper and after a quick study of it, I see that it reads Suspension - Two days. Zayn Malik.


I look up at her, my mouth wide open. "You're suspending me?"

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now