46; Broken spleens, car sing-a-longs, and Polaroids

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We leave the cinema and arrive home around one in the morning. Everyone else is asleep, the house quiet, and mine and Zayn's attempts at sneaking in quietly don't go so well.

Zayn unlocks the front door and pushes it open slowly, avoiding the eerie creak, and takes one step forward. That's when he smashes into the door stop right at his feet.

"Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck, shit," he hisses, hopping around on one foot and banging into the walls.

I try and help him but only end up in tripping over a stray shoe, feeling myself begin to fall. I immediately reach out for Zayn as I let out a small scream and I push him against the wall, totally by accident. My body presses against his, pinning him down. His arms are placed dangerously close to my waist, his face near, breath close. I slowly turn and look up at him, feeling the steady beat of his heart thump right beneath my chest.

The moonlight from outside shines in through the wide open door and I can see him perfectly in the dim, white light. We don't move, unsure of what to do, for quite some time. I'm reminded again of tonight, and it makes my stomach leap.

We both laugh awkwardly, limbs awkwardly trapped and entwined with each others. Zayn's the first to break the gaze, looking to his left down the hall.

"Do you think they heard?" I ask, still, completely unknown to me, attached to him like glue.

Zayn smiles down at me as he looks back, giving a exaggerative shake of his head. "Oh, you mean the ruckus just heard in the deepest part of China? Nah."

I bite down on my lip to stifle a smile as I eventually find the strength to peel myself off him. I awkwardly dust myself off. "Sorry about ... you know."

He shuts the front door. "Yeah. Shoes ..."

"Door stops ..."

"The whole nine yards in this place."

We quickly look away from one another and I shuffle into his room, once he shines his mobile light. I flick on the light switch and grab my things from my bag before hurrying down to the bathroom.

Once inside, I splash my face with water, trying to cool it down. Tonight was ... strange. So strange. And what the hell just happened out there? What the hell happened at the cinema? I can't decipher it, I can't bring myself to understand what it is I'm feeling. It's scaring me, but I don't know if that's because it's a new discovery, or because it's true - I'm really starting to not mind Zayn.

Why does he always do this? And more importantly, how? He does things in certain places, certain times, and they make me see him in an entirely different light. They make me realise I have no idea who the hell he is, and that I want to find out. Tonight at the cinema, things were so different between us. We can't be actually getting along, can we? But he couldn't have been acting; we had no one to act in front of at the cinema.

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now