40; Stars, mistakes, and Rolex watches

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I stand there, absolutely still, my entire body in shock. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I want to cover my eyes, but I can't. Shit, when I said Zayn should meet my roommate this is not what I meant.

My eyes, of all places, meet Zayn's instantly. He looks smug; satisfied. And it makes me sick. Is this just his plan? To make out with every girl in the school? My stomach suddenly sinks - that's why he was going to kiss me. He was trying to add me to his list of girls, make me just another statistic. I'm slightly disappointed, but I don't even know why. We didn't even kiss, and like I'd want to. But this new realisation of me not meaning anything to him kind of hurts.

Emily scrambles upwards, grabbing her dress from the floor, and I wince and advert my eyes, my teeth pulling on my bottom lip.

"I'm so sorry, Violet," Emily stammers. "I, uh, I-"

"No, it's fine. Would you two like some more privacy?" I snap, a little harshly. My eyes are still on the wall. "I should have knocked before I came in, I mean, it's not like this is my room, too. I should have known this was going to happen. My sincere apologies."

"Take a chill pill, Princess."

I'm absolutely livid. I turn sharply to face Zayn as he slips his shirt back over his head without a care in the world. "Excuse me?" I cry. "Take a 'chill pill'?" I throw my hands in the air. "You are the biggest freaking jerk I have ever met in my whole damn life! You know what? Screw you. I will finish this project by myself. I will finish everything by myself, and at the end I'll get the grades. I can live my whole life never talking to you again, and I'll be god damn fine. I can't believe I ever thought differently about you. I can't believe I ever thought you were a decent guy. Because you've just proved to me that you're not; you'll never change. So you can take your 'chill pill', take all the girls in the whole school you've no doubt fucked, take your stupid, fat, ego, and shove it all up your ass!"

I open the door and the last thing I see is Zayn's shocked expression before I slam the door behind me.

Out in the hall I take several deep breaths, trying to regain myself. I'm really not an angry person, I mean it. No, seriously. I hardly ever yell, ever hate, but Zayn ... god, there is just something about him that drives me absolutely mad. I can't stand him! I've tried and I've tried to accept him, to put up with him, and what do I get? Only more pain. But what's worse, what's worse than hating him so much, is the fact that sometimes I don't.

Sometimes I don't hate him at all.

I can hear Emily and Zayn talking inside, no doubt making out again, and I realise I've made a huge mistake leaving because everything I need for this project is inside.

But there is no way I'm going back in there.

I'll sleep outside if I have to. I'm left to live with what I have; a white cable knit sweater, blue jeans, and a pen that's in my pocket. Great.

My first thought isn't to go to Liam's dorm, or anybody else's for that matter, it's to just take a few steps to the right and slide down to the floor. So that's what I do. I'm not going to cry, because that jerk inside my room doesn't deserve my tears. So I pull out the pen from my pocket and start doodling on my hand to distract myself.

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now