35; Interviews, dogs, and pranks

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Waking up the next morning I have a plan in mind. A plan to find this so called werewolf.

It'll calm everyone the hell down if I go out and track down this thing, which probably is just a bear or dog. I'll bring back the watch and save the day. Then we can all finally go back to enjoying this camping trip.

I sit up, pushing Niall's arm off of my chest. The freaking leprechaun is the worst person to ever sleep near; he rolls over, attacks you, and hogs the whole space. If that wasn't bad enough, when you're close to him you can't help but notice just how heavily he breathes. And when that's all you can focus on, and you lay there awake all night, it drives you fucking insane. For this whole trip I've gotten hardly any sleep. Thank god back at Westlake he has his own bed, on the other side of the room.

I stumble out of my tent, leaving Niall still fast asleep, and grab a change of clothes and sneakers. Just as I'm slipping a new shirt on, Louis comes out of his tent. I'm a little shocked, because it's still really early.

He yawns and stretches. "Hey," he says. "You're up early."

I put on my sneakers. "Yeah, I'm going somewhere."

Louis stands in his grey joggers and white shirt, a little interested. "Where?"

I sigh. I didn't really want to tell anyone about what I was planning to do today. Mostly because I knew they'd want to join. "Uh, I'm going to try and find this creature thing."

Louis' eyes completely light up. "The werewolf?! You're going to find it? Oh, my god. I want to come! Yes! I'm so keen to find it, too!"

Great. "Er, actually ... I was just going-"

"Give me, like, ten minutes." He disappears back into his tent and I realise I have no choice in the matter. Louis' joining me.

He comes back out minutes later in a pair of black jeans, blue and grey jumper, and brown boots. "I'm so excited. I can't believe we're going on a quest."

I wince. "It's not a quest," I tell him.

"It so is."

"It so isn't."

"Zayn, come on."

"It's not a quest. This isn't Indiana Jones. We're not finding the missing treasure."

Louis grins, cocking his head to the side. "Yeah, okay." He shoves his hands in his pockets. "Let's go!"

I groan inwardly. "Fine."

"So, where are we going?" He asks as we both disappear through the trees, leaving our camp behind.

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now