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The final bell rang and I left the school. My little brother walking beside me.

I was 17 and he was turning 15 next month.

"So how was your day Leo?" I asked him.

He hung his head and he said "Fine."

Uh oh. I knew that tone. That's the "The high school bullies were picking on me again" tone.

I sighed and I stopped him and I said "Leo, you and I both know that is not what you mean."

He looked up at me and I said "Those bullies are picking on you again, aren't they?"

He hung his head again and nodded.

I pulled him close and I hugged him and his shoulders shook. I knew he was crying. I smiled softly and I hummed the song I had came up with when he was little. It always calmed him down fast.

After a few minutes he calmed down and he whipped his eyes and he smiled up at me.

"Thanks Scar." He said. "You're the best."

I smile and we went down the alley. It was a shortcut to our house.

"I really wish you'd let me teach those goons a lesson." I said.

"I don't want you too. Those guys. They're bad news. They'd hurt you." He said.

I sighed and we continued walking.

A trash can fell behind us and I felt a chill go down my back. I had a bad feeling and knew we had to get out of here. Fast.

A shadow appeared from behind a dumpster and I stopped.

A chuckled sent another chill down my spin and Leo looked scared.

"Well, well. Leo, fancy meeting you here."

I frowned. The shadow turned out to be one of the bullies from our school. Something shiny, glistened in his hand.

Leo gasped and he whispered. "Scar, he has a knife!"

I looked up and then behind me and I saw the bully's two goons behind us, blocking our way.

I have to think of something. I was not going to let them hurt Leo.

I bent down and I whispered into Leo's ear "Ok. I'm going to hold them off. You get home as fast as you can."

He was going to protest and I saw tears in his eyes.

I stopped him and I said "Leo, trust me. I'll be ok. Now when I say "now" you make a break for it."

He nodded and I stood and I did the one thing no one else had the guts to do. I walked up to the bully with the knife and I swung my fist and I punched him in the jaw. He went stumbling and his goons looked at me with surprise.

"Now!" I yelled.

Leo shot past me and took off down the alley.

I turned and I saw the first bully stood and he picked up his knife. His goon stood behind him.

"You're going to regret doing that." he said.

I frowned and I said "And you're going to regret bullying my brother."

He laughed and he lunged at me, knife raised. I jumped back and his knife missed me. I swung my foot and kicked him in the chest. I spun and I punched the other two in the face.

A pair of hands grabbed me from behind. I growled in frustration and I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't.


The bully with the knife smiled and walked up to me. I struggled and struggled but nothing happened.

"!" I said.

His buddy smiled and said "Ok."

He let go and I stumbled forward and a sharp pain entered my body.

I gasped and I slowly dropped to my knees. The jerk of a hand and the knife left my flesh. I saw the blood drip from the blade and my vision got blurry. I fell back and hit my head on a dumpster and fell to my side.

"Enjoy the darkness." He said and then he and his buddies took off in the opposite direction of our home.

I closed my eyes and I let out a final breath.


A bright light made me open my eyes. I opened my eyes and I saw the moon.

"Scarlet. You have given your life for your brother. I am very proud of you."

"What? Wait. Where am I? Or really who am I?" I said.

"You will have to find out. But all you need to know is that you have power over the four elements."

The voice went away and I stood. I had brown knee high boots on and a dark brown tank top and black shots on. My hair was a fiery red and I saw a broken mirror and looked into it.

My eyes were sea blue and my lips were a light pink. I blinked and I looked around me.

Where am I?

I saw a man walk down the street and I said "Uh excuse me sir. Can you please tell me where I am?"

The man didn't even look up from his newspaper. In fact he walked.....right through me.

I gasped in surprise. He....he....just walked right through me! As if I wasn't even there!

I sighed and I walked down the street.

And now I need to find out who I am.

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