Chapter 1

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Many years later.

I sat near the edge of the cliff and felt the wind blow my red hair gently back. My hair would go back and flop gently back down onto my back. I could smell the sea and feel the earth pulse beneath me. And the warmth of the sun, soaking me in it's golden rays.

I enjoy my sun before it sets and it becomes night. I stood and I walked into a forest and let the leaves crunch under my feet. Spring was here and that meant Easter. As I walked a hole opened up and I jumped into the trees. I remained silent and still as the easter bunny came from the hole.

Right on time.

I didn't move as he put eggs of many colors in easy places for the children. I was surprised as he looked so tough and intimidating yet he treated the eggs with such care.

The ground opened up and he jumped in and was gone. I sat there for a minute then I stood up. I smiled and my smile went away as a cold breeze rushed past me. I shivered and I looked around but found nothing.

What on earth was that?

Still pondering the question, I jumped from tree to tree for a while. The man and the moon came out I dropped to the ground and I looked up at it.

It's been years since the man and the moon told me that I had power over the four elements. I have gotten use to my powers and I even gotten used to the silence. The manand the moon never did respond to my questions. I wasn't even known about by children and even the Guardians. I see them but I don't let them see me.

The sounds of the forest during the night is so peaceful. I smiled and I walked until I came across the end of the forest. I stood there and I heard whispers and I looked up and I saw the sandman begin to send his dream sand all over the city. I smiled as the thought of bringing good dreams to kids all over the world, it makes me smile.

I turned around and I walked back into the forest. I broke into a run and felt the wind blow my red hair gently back. I laughed and I soon slowed down and I climbed into a tree and I fell asleep.


I woke up with the sun in my face. I smiled and I heard laughing. I looked down and I saw kids. Every now and then I saw one of them pick up a egg. I stood up and I flew into the air and left the small village and I flew through the air until I came to a new town. I landed on the ground and I walked around.

It was a nice spring day and the kids ran about,  showing off their eggs to their friends. I smiled and I walked around until I found another forest and I smiled. I liked forests. They are easy to hide in and stay out of sight. Anyway, I walked through the forest and I stopped dead in my tracks. Standing in front of me, with his back to me, was Jack Frost. His staff in his hand and he looked at the sky, as if waiting for someone.

I flew into the trees and hid in the branches. I looked at the sky and a few minutes later a figure with wings came down. I knew her as the Tooth Fairy.

"Hey Tooth." Jack said.

She smiled and said "Hello."

"So what's the news?" Jack asked.

"I'm not sure. But North will call a meeting tomorrow." She said.

Jack frowned and said "Hmm. Ook. I guess I'll see you later then."

She nodded and he took off into the air. The Tooth Fairy stood there then she took off into the air and was gone. I sat down and I twirled a leaf in my hand. I set it on fire and send the ash into the air. I watched it twirled in the air and finally the wind blew it away. I sighed and I stood and I got to the ground and continued my walk through the forest.

It was near noon when the sky filled with northern lights. I looked up and I frowned. As I looked to the sky I heard a snap and I jumped into the trees. I looked down and I saw a man with black spiked hair and black robes walk into view.

He chuckled and said "Looks like the Guardians got my message. Perfect."

I frowned and he leaned against the tree and he looked to the sky, waiting.

I stared at him until I heard a jingle and I looked up and I saw Santa's Sleigh come out from a portal. I gasped and it landed on the ground.

North and the others climbed out and The Easter Bunny appeared up from a hole. He had his boomerangs ready. North had his swords and Jack his staff. Sandy had his sand whips ready and they looked around.

I frowned and the black man laughed. His laugh sent shivers down my back.

"Well isn't it the big Five. Long time no see?"  He said.

"Pitch. I though you were gone for good." Bunny sneered.

"Aww come now. No one can truly get rid of me." Pitch said.

I frowned and Pitch raised his hands and these black sand monsters appeared and they surrounded the guardians. They all looked around with shock and Pitch laughed.

"Do you like them? Took me ages to make them." Pitch said.

"What do you want Pitch?" Jack said.

Pitch grinned and he said "You'll have to find out. I'm not going to tell you. No. I'm going to have a little fun first."

He looked at his monsters and he said "Attack."

The monsters bared their sharp teeth and I don't know why but I leapt from the tree and I landed in front of the Guardians.

I had my white cloak on and my hood over my eyes. I spread out my hands and a wind spear formed around us. I moved my hands and I sent the monsters flying. I put down my hands and the air went away.

"Crikey ." Bunny gasped.

I brought up my hands and I fanned out my fingers and I sent fire at the monsters. They disintegrated and I moved my arms to the left and the wind blew them away.

I looked at Pitch and he looked at me with shocked and surprise.

"Who-...." I didn't let him finish.

I moved my hands and the earth around him rose and sent him flying. He let out a cry and I used the wind to blow him really far away. I lowered my hands and I stood there, frowning and tired. I had used all of the elements and I was a little tired.

"Crikey, that was amazing, Mate."

I turned and I saw The Big Five looking at me.

"Who are you?" Jack asked me.

I looked at him and I stared into his icy blue eyes. The moment I looked into them I was captured by how soft and beautiful they were. So full of wonder and kindness.

I shook myself and I took to the air and into the trees.

"Hey! Wait!" Tooth called after me.

I used my earth power and I blended in with the forest. I stopped and I caught my breath. I looked to the sky and I saw the sleigh go through a portal.

I sighed and I laid down on a tree branch and I  fell asleep.

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