Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

       As soon as I woke up, I turned on my side to look at Grayson. He was still sleeping and I smiled to myself. He was such an adorable little twenty-one year old with his snores.

       I decided to wake him up in a wonderful way, something I always did on his birthday. 

       I moved closer to him, resting my head on his chest as I traced the outline of the poppy tattoo on his chest. "Grayson," I said softly, hoping that would wake him up. His eyebrows furrowed and his snores stopped, meaning he was awake, but he didn't open his eyes yet.

       After about a minute, I moved away from him and grabbed my pillow before I started hitting him repeatedly with it. "Wake. Up. Wake. Up. Wake...."

       I stopped when he ripped the pillow out of my hands, tossed it on the floor, and moved us so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. "Why must you do this almost everyday?" he asked.

       "Because it's fun," I said. "And it's your birthday. Last year, I woke you up by kissing you, so I figured you'd be expected that, so I beat you with a pillow instead." I gave him a smile. "Wasn't that nice?"

       Grayson rolled his eyes before pressing his lips on mine. He then pulled away and gave me a cheeky smile. "I love you, Flower."

       I smiled back. "I love you, too, Grayson. And I love that your birthday is on a Sunday this year, so we don't have to go to class today."

       "You know, you could have been a nice girlfriend and let me sleep in," Grayson pointed out.

       "But what's the fun in that?" I asked. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back to me and connecting our lips. Grayson kissed me slowly but passionately, smiling against my lips. God, I loved his smile.

       A sudden cry broke out, causing Grayson to sigh as he pulled away. He got off the bed and walked over to Ryder's crib, picking him up. Ryder immediately snuggled with Grayson, his cries slowly dissolving. 

       Grayson sat back down on the bed, snuggling with Ryder. "I can make breakfast," I offered.

       Grayson gave me a smile. "Yeah, thanks, Flower." He gave me a quick kiss before I went to the kitchen.

       I wasn't as good as a cook as Grayson, but I had a basic knowledge on how to make eggs and bacon. And I had a feeling Grayson wanted bacon for breakfast.

       When I was finished cooking, Grayson came out of the bedroom and put Ryder into his high chair by the dining table. I served the food onto two plates and set them on the table, as well was putting bacon on a tiny plate knowing Grayson would rip it up into tiny pieces and feed to Ryder.

       I was right. Grayson began ripping up the bacon and placing them on the high chair tray. Ryder babbled happily before he began eating them. "I swear, he's going to be obsessed with bacon when he's older," I said.

       "There's nothing wrong with it," Grayson said. "Bacon is delicious."

       I rolled my eyes as I began eating my breakfast. 

       Quite a few people were actually coming over today for Grayson's birthday. Tony and Charlie, my parents, Grayson's siblings, Mallory, Elliot and her family, and even Grayson's mom. She called me yesterday, wondering if Grayson and I had any plans. When I told her we didn't, she told me she would like to come over. It made me happy that Grayson was going to have at least one of his parents in his life again.

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