Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

       I jumped when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around me while I was in the kitchen. "So, I was thinking...." Grayson said, resting his chin on my head.

       "That you like scaring me?" I asked.

       "No," Grayson said. "Well, yes, but not that. I was thinking that we can go out somewhere as a family. You know, me, you, and Ryder. It's New Years Eve and I don't want to be coped up in the house all day."

       I turned around to face him. "Well, what do you want to do?" I asked.

       Grayson shrugged. "I don't know. Go to the arcade. A restaurant. Anything."

       "I kind of want to go to a restaurant," I said. "Maybe eat some poutine."

       Grayson gave me a smile. "You really like poutine now, don't you?"

       "Maybe a little," I said. "So, what time are we leaving then?"

       "How about six?" Grayson asked. "And no, you don't have to get all dressed up. Just wear what you're wearing."

       "Fine," I said, even though I really didn't want to go out wearing a pair of sweats and one of Grayson's shirts. I would probably get changed anyway.

       "I actually have to go run to the store to get some groceries," Grayson said. "We're running low. Want anything specific?"

       I thought for a bit. "Chocolate."

       "Of course you do," Grayson said. He leaned down and kissed my cheek before grabbing his keys off the counter and walking out the apartment.

       I grabbed a bag of chips and went to the living room, where Ryder was crawling around on the floor. For seven months old, he was quite the active baby. When ever he wasn't being held by me or Grayson, he was crawling around on the floor, normally chasing a ball he kept pushing away.

       I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. A few seconds later, Ryder crawled over to me and pulled on my leg. "Mama!" 

       I smiled and picked him up, holding him in front of me. "You are getting too big," I said. Ryder started babbling, as if he was trying to talk to me. That just made me smile even wider before he snuggled into me.

       Grayson didn't take too long to get groceries. As soon as he got home, he put all the new groceries away before sitting beside me on the couch. He looked at Ryder snuggling with me and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me. "I love seeing the two of you together," he said, kissing the side of my head.

       "Not as much as I love seeing you two together," I said. "Seriously, you are an amazing dad to Ryder and he loves you a whole lot. You definitely don't have to worry about turning out like your dad."

       "Thanks, Flower," Grayson said.

       Ryder, hearing Grayson's voice, looked at him and moved out of my arms to climb on Grayson's lap. "Dada!"

       Seeing Grayson's smile was one of the best things in the world. In our senior year of high school, it was hard for him to be happy or even smile. But now, with Ryder, he smiled all the time. 

       Someone knocked on the front door, so I got up to answer it. When I opened the door, I was completely shocked at who was standing there.


       "Hi," Dedrick said in a somewhat quiet voice. "Is Grayson here?"

       "Uh, y-yeah," I said. I turned to face the living room. "Grayson?!"

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